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Home Remedies for Ventral Hernia & its Recovery Period, Diet and Prevention

In this section of the article you will learn about the home remedies for ventral hernia, recovery period/ healing time, prevention, lifestyle changes and diet for ventral hernia.

Home Remedies for Ventral Hernia

Home remedies for ventral hernia can play a crucial role in the path of recovery from ventral hernia. The home remedies for ventral hernia cannot and should not be replaced as an alternative to medical treatment given by your doctor. The home remedies will only assist you to relieve pain in some ways and to improve your quality of life. The home remedies for ventral hernia are to be carefully considered after discussing with your doctor as some of them might cause problems. Below are some of the home remedies for ventral hernia which are safe but you should still consider approaching the doctor before making use of these home remedies for ventral hernia:

  • Ginger is a very common ingredient which is used in India. Ginger for ventral hernia is a great home remedy and can help in insulating the stomach and esophagus from the areas which are damaged due to occurrence of bile and gastric acid buildup. Too much consumption of ginger may upset your stomach.
  • Licorice is a naturally occurring herb and a great home remedy which can help in repairing the problems caused by ventral hernia in the stomach and abdominal region. Before using the licorice herb please consult a doctor for suggestions.
  • The usage of acupuncture for ventral hernia pain relief is a good home remedy. Acupuncture is helpful in relaxing from the pain caused by the ventral hernia. It is mainly used as a pain management technique rather than a cure for ventral hernia.
  • Chamomile is a herb and can be used as a great home remedy for ventral hernia as it can reduce the effect of acid reflux in ventral hernia patients. Nausea is a common side effect of chamomile if used excessively.
  • A herb called hawthronia is a great home remedy for ventral hernia as it protects and strengthens the human internal organs and muscles. Due to this the recurrence of ventral hernia is reduced to a great extent. The herbs which come under hawthronia are hawthorn, fennel, and citrus seeds.
  • Marshmallow roots are considered to be beneficial for the health. It decreases production of digestive acids and improves digestion. So, it may help to assuage signs that occur due to ventral hernia. The problem with this root is that when used excessively it can lead to diarrhea.
  • Shepherds purse is a kind of naturally occurring herb and is a home remedy for ventral hernia that relieves pain, swelling and inflammation. It also reduces bleeding and avoids infections. All the issues like infections, pain, bleeding and swelling are a part of ventral hernia and so this shepherds herb can be of a great heal to ventral hernia victims.

Recovery Period/Healing Time for Ventral Hernia

The recovery period or the healing time for ventral hernia is decent. One after the operation can return to normality within a month. During the 1st week the stomach will be very delicate and special care should be taken by reducing the pressure on the stomach and abdomen, proper diet should be consumed. The recovery period / healing time for ventral hernia is largely dependent on many factors including the size, the complications faced during the surgery. Simple activities like walking are fine but one should not go right ahead to regular activities until a month. The patient should contact the doctor regarding the questions about going back to work. The doctor is the right individual to give you suggestions about these things.

The things which should be skipped for few weeks after the ventral hernia surgery are mentioned below:

  • Sudden moving from lying down to getting up position or from sitting to standing position.
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • Forceful bowel movements should be avoided.
  • Vomiting

Diet for Ventral Hernia

Maintaining a proper diet is very important when one is suffering from ventral hernia. A good diet for ventral hernia patients should consist of high protein & less fat. The situation where the patient takes high fat food and low protein food can result in hernia as the stomach walls become weak in that case. Tuna, cottage cheese and chicken are protein rich food which is suggested for a hernia patient. Dairy products and low fat milk and should be included to control fat intake. Fresh fruits like pears and apples are very fiber rich which is considered very healthy for patients dealing with ventral hernia. Also whole grains, nut and beans are rich in fiber. Taking fiber will help to make good bowel movements and prevent constipation. These will also help reducing the chances of getting hernia.

There are suggestions which will keep you away from hernia. Firstly, maintaining a healthy and accurate weight by in taking less of calorie diet and more of nutritional diet. Regular exercise is suggested if you are over-weight. Secondly, your diet must include a lot of fruits and green vegetables. Fruits and green vegetables are nutrient rich & also are fiber rich diet. Thirdly, one must always bend from the knees rather than from waist while lifting objects or weight lifting while exercising. Fourthly, coughing that does not go away can be a symptom of hernia. One should immediately seek medical help to prevent ventral hernia. Lastly, it is advisable to quit smoking immediately as that can reason to serious respiratory problems which can lead to hernia.

Prevention of Ventral Hernia

Prevention of Ventral Hernia

Prevention is better than cure is a very popular phrase. It is always better to prevent a person from a disease rather than trying to cure it late. Therefore, here are some of the preventions for ventral hernia which can be useful:

  • Avert constipation
  • Treat cough issues
  • Reduce weight
  • Do moderate exercises or yoga
  • Avoid doing heavy work during the first week after any abdominal surgery.

Lifestyle Changes for Ventral Hernia

Below are some of the lifestyle changes for ventral hernia:

  • One can get engaged in general or light exercised to strengthen abdominal muscles for ventral hernia. Exercising regularly may shed extra body weight and thus lower the pressure on stomach muscles. Heavy lifting or difficult abs is supposed to be avoided for ventral hernia. One should talk to his doctor before starting to exercise. Avoid exercising immediately after having a meal and also for the next two hours.
  • Consuming alcohol can be considered dangerous for ventral hernia patients.
  • Ice is one of the best remedies for pain or swelling. Compressing ice on the affected area can be healed faster.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes as it can add lot of pressure on the abdomen. Therefore it is suggested to only wear loose and comfortable clothes for ventral hernia.
  • Stress can be really bad for acid reflux or stomachaches. Therefore, one should avoid or manage stress by performing yoga or breathing exercises or meditation for ventral hernia.
  • Any heat or pressure applied on the affected area may result adversely.
  • After having a meal one should never exercise for ventral hernia.
  • Larger meals should be avoided for ventral hernia patients. Smaller and frequent meals will keep you full and will also help reduce weight.
  • Sleeping, bending or lying down after eating should be completely avoided for ventral hernia.
  • Skip alcohol.


  1. Medical News Today. (2021). Hernia: Types, Causes, and Treatments. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/142334

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 4, 2023

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