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Pathophysiology of Abdominal Pain or Stomach Ache

Pathophysiology of Abdominal Pain or Stomach Ache Include

Inflammation: Pain at times is severe and continuous and caused by appendicitis, diverticulitis and colitis.

Ulcer: Ulcer is most common in stomach and duodenum. Ulcer causes severe pain, often mostly after food intake. Ulcer pain responds to antacids.

Obstruction: Bowel obstruction causes distention of intestine or large bowel, stretching of intestinal or bowel external wall generate severe sharp and squeezing pain.

Hepatoma Can Cause Abdominal Pain or Stomach Ache

Enlarged Organ: Hepatoma, splenomegaly stretches the organ and the peritoneal covering causing severe pain.[1]

Ischemic Pain: Lack of blood supply or ischemia of intraabdominal organ can cause severe pain as seen in ischemic bowel disease or embolism of mesenteric blood vessels.[2]


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 6, 2022

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