“An angel is not only a set of wings, but also a set of hands to guide you through life.” Those who believe in angels, perhaps also believe in this angelic quote. Angels are known to be the messengers of God who act as the intermediaries between the heaven and earth and work in protecting human life, guiding and assisting human beings to heal them in all aspects of life including physical, mental and emotional health. Various religions including Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism etc; believe in angels and that all human beings have guardian angels that perform the creator’s will of peace and satisfaction for all of the mankind. There are also many people who are not religious, yet believe in the concept of guardian angels being the protectors to heal and harmonize every aspect of life. Believers of guardian angels, who believe or practice the process of healing through the angels follow this method of healing, which is Angel Therapy.
If you are one of the believers of Angel therapy or want to know about this therapy of spiritual healing process; then go through the current article and let your spirit speak out the words of healing and peace!
What Is Angel Therapy?
Angel Therapy is a type of Alternative therapy, which includes a non-denominational spiritual method of healing and involves communicating and working with the guardian angels and archangels to heal various health problems including physical, mental and spiritual health. Though primarily considered as a spiritual healing therapy, Angel Therapy is also known to benefit some people by providing appropriate advice and guidance on their work, relation and life issues. Also known as Angel Healing, Angel Therapy involves healing and harmonizing using the divine help of the Angels and is believed by those who have seen or experienced the effects of angel therapy.
Who Believes in Angel Therapy?
Angel therapy is believed by those who have seen or experienced the effects of angel therapy. People who don’t believe in Angel Therapy perhaps take it as a blind belief and some also take the people practicing or undergoing angel therapy as the sick people needing psychological treatment. However, being neutral to the concept of Angel therapy when we look upon the statistics especially in United States of America, there are many people, who though are non religious, yet believe and prove that they have benefited greatly by angel healing or angel therapy.
Who Created Angel Therapy?
Dr. Doreen Virtue, who is a Ph.D in Spiritual counseling and healing techniques, is the leading expert, preacher and creator of Angel Therapy. Dr. Doreen Virtue has taught thousands of people about Angel therapy and has published more than 30 books and CDs on the Angelic realm.
How to Become an Angel Therapist?
Anyone who has been certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue is an Angel Therapist or Angel practitioner and is eligible to work as a professional angel therapist in assisting the clients by calling their angels and helping them to heal with the help and guidance from their guardian angels.
What is the Importance of Angel Therapists?
Cheryl Heibert, Laura Socas, and many other angel therapists certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue have been working on this exclusive mode of Alternative Therapy involving the Angels and Archangels. Angel therapists are needed to help their clients to communicate with their guardian angels and get the expert advice, guidance from them for a bright and peaceful life.
What are the Benefits of Angel Therapy?
Angel therapy not only includes healing from various mental, physical and emotional/spiritual sickness, but also there is a belief that the guardian angels can be called upon for solving various issues related to the person’s career, job, relationship or general issues.
What are The Primary Objectives of Angel Therapy?
“Angels fill our days with love and light; and watch over us while we sleep at night!” These alluring words from an unknown author perfectly suit the people who actually believe or who benefit by their guardian angels or from Angel Therapy.
The primary objective of angel therapy is healing and helping a distressed person and help resolve their issues. However, for the layman who is absolutely unaware of this process of spiritual healing known as Angel Therapy, but who is interested in getting to know about angel therapy; this section would make it clear about the main objectives of the process of angel therapy.
How can Angel Therapy be Effective as an Alternative Treatment?
Trust the Process: “Trust keeps you in a relationship!” and same is the case of Angel Therapy. To communicate with your angels or archangels, to take their assistance or listen to their voice, and for angel therapy to be effective, so angels can help you with proper guidance and healing, you first need to trust them and have a total belief that Angels do exist and they along with the God help you in healing and leading your life beneficially.
Surrender Your Problems to the Angels: You must be open and bold enough to surrender your problems to your Angels and also have the brave and believing heart to ask for their assistance and guidance.
Do Not Interfere: You must let the angels take care of your illness or any issues you want them to guide you in. For angel therapy to be effective, it must be kept in mind that you are not to interfere in the healing process by the angels and let them do their job. Keep a relaxed mind that angels work for your good and the angels will take care of your betterment.
Indirect & Direct Guidance from Angels: You will be guided by your angels directly or indirectly. Indirect guidance comes with the help of an angel therapist who aids you in communicating with your guardian angel. However, there are also people who can be guided by their angels directly in various forms like, maybe, in the dreams, unidentified voice or a kind of intuition.
Follow the Instructions of Angels: Make sure you are following the words of your angels once you are made to listen to them and taking the essential steps to work upon the healing process or in the method of getting the best of advises and guidance from the angels.
What Does Angel Therapy Feel Like & What To Expect During This Process?
Angel therapy is where you connect with your angels and it feels like reuniting with best friends and family. In Angel Therapy, you feel love, a sense of familiarity, and recognition with the angels that help in the healing process. You have to formulate a list of questions or problems, which are bothering you and your angel therapist will guide through the angel cards that are the most suitable for you at the moment (similar to tarot). You can expect a co-creative experience where the angel therapist, you and the angels all come together.
What are the Medical Conditions That Can Be Treated With Angel Therapy?
If you are willing to undergo the Angel Therapy or Angel Healing; then you must believe in the fact that, “Angels and God are always with you, willing to help you for all your smaller and bigger aspects of life.” Now, taking into consideration the effectiveness as per beliefs; the physical/mental/emotional conditions, which can be treated with the use of Angel therapy are listed in this section below. Angel Therapy as a sole and unique spiritual healing procedure or as a part of a combined alternative therapy including therapies like crystal therapy, aroma therapy, sound therapy etc. can be used as an effective healing technique for the following conditions:
- Stress related issues like insomnia, headaches, panic attacks, depression etc.
- Respiratory difficulties like hyperventilation, asthma etc.
- Psychological problems including anxiety, lack of confidence, excessive stage fearing, social anxiety and chronic fatigue syndrome etc.
- Menstrual and menopause related problems are also known to be treated with a combined use of all the above mentioned therapies by an expert alternative therapist.
- Angel therapy is highly beneficial for eradicating spiritual blockage or extreme negativity and as per the strong beliefs from the practitioner and the believers and is known to help a person get connected directly with God, get back to their spiritual track and feel enlightened and complete from inside.
How Beneficial is Angel Therapy as an Alternative Treatment?
There are supporters who have experienced the effectiveness of Angel Therapy and who believe that where traditional medicines did not work to solve their health ailments and spiritual blockage; Angel therapy and archangel healing have helped them tremendously. However, it is always up to the concerned individual to take angel therapy into his consideration while looking for treatment for their health related issues; or to ignore angel therapy it as a fantasy tale and blind belief.
Conclusion: Final Words on Angel Therapy
It is true that those who benefit from this non-dimensional spiritual healing process of Angel Therapy; are believers of this alternative therapy. However for critics, Angel Therapy is merely a superstitious job without any real effect. But again, “You cannot say something does not exist because you did not see!” So, let us keep a free mind and open spirit to accept the fact that anything that can sustain has something which deserves sustenance. Now it is up to you, if you believe in this form of alternative therapy for healing, harmony and balance in life; or simply take it as a fake belief. However, if you believe in angel therapy; here comes the words from the expert Dr. Doreen Virtue, ” Never worry about calling upon an angel because you fear that your need isn’t big enough or that the angel might be busy. The angels want to help you with everything; large or small!”