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What Causes Blurred Vision in One Eye & How is it Treated

What Causes Blurred Vision in One Eye?

Sometimes it so happens that a person tends to have blurred vision but it is only out of one eye. In medical terminology, it is termed as decreased visual acuity in one eye. There can be numerous causes which results in diminished visual acuity in one eye.

Simple causes of blurred vision in one eye can be excessive tear production as a result of crying due to emotional distress or some dust or debris going into the eye which causes continuous rubbing of the eye with fingers causing discharge from that eye.

There are also some medical conditions which can cause blurred vision in one eye like some damage to the brain involving the optic nerves in the brain. Refractive error is the most common cause of Blurred Vision in One Eye. Refractive error means the person has nearsightedness or longsightedness for which an ophthalmologist needs to be contacted for appropriate lenses and glasses to correct the condition.

What Causes Blurred Vision in One Eye?

Blurred vision in one eye may lead to certain difficult situations like it may make it difficult for you to judge distances, especially when driving. Blurred vision in one eye may also in some cases may be caused due to a brain tumor compressing an optic nerve.

Medical Conditions that Can Cause Blurred Vision in One Eye

As stated above, there are certain medical conditions that can cause Blurred Vision in One Eye. We have already talked about refractive errors as the most common cause for blurred vision in one eye. Apart from this, there are certain other medical conditions that may result in blurry vision in one eye. These conditions are:

Optic Neuritis: This is a condition in which there is inflammation of the optical nerves. This also is one of the main causes of blurred vision in one eye. As the condition progresses, the blurriness may occur bilaterally that is in both eyes as well.

Migraines: If you are suffering from migraines, then it is quite natural for you to suffer from blurred vision in one eye or both eyes during a migraine headache when it is at its peak.

Injuries: Any sort of injury to the eye like being hit by a ball in the eye while playing may result in blurring of vision of that eye for some time. In case if you are in the midst of a sandstorm then dust particles may enter your eye causing irritation which may lead you to rub the eyes resulting in excess production of tears causing blurriness of vision in that eye.

Diabetes: In advanced cases of diabetes, the vision of an individual also gets affected causing blurry vision in one eye or both eyes due to failing retinal function of the eye.

Macular Degeneration: Blurred vision in one eye due to macular degenration is only seen in the elderly population. As one ages, the function of the eyes start to deteriorate and the eye is not able to form an accurate image of the objects seen thus making it look blurred.

Cataracts: This is also a common condition causing blurred vision in one eye. It is a complication of diabetes along with diabetic retinopathy, and diabetics are most likely to get blurred vision in one eye due to cataracts.

Tumor: This is a serious condition that may cause blurred vision in one eye. The tumor may be in the brain and may be compressing the optic nerve resulting in blurriness of vision.

Glaucoma: This is a medical condition in which there is damage to the optic nerves. This usually occurs in the elderly population. This is normally due to increased pressure in the eyes

Stroke: A stroke may also result in development of Blurred Vision in One Eye.

Diagnoses of the Cause of Blurred Vision in One Eye

In order to pinpoint the cause for blurred vision in one eye, your ophthalmologist may ask you the following questions and based on your response may suggest the possible causes and formulate a treatment plan or refer you to a specialist. These questions are:

  • What has been the duration of blurred vision in one eye?
  • Does the blurriness episodes wax and wane or are they persistent?
  • Is there any history of trauma to the eye recently before the onset of symptoms?
  • Are you on certain medications which may have blurred vision in its side effect profile?
  • Are you experiencing some other symptoms along with Blurred Vision in One Eye like headache or weakness in the extremities?
  • Is there any history of stroke or migraines?

What are the Symptoms Accompanying Blurred Vision in One Eye?

There may be other symptoms associated with blurred vision in one eye depending on the cause and severity of the condition. Some of these symptoms may be potentially life threatening. These symptoms are:

Some of the life threatening symptoms associated with Blurred Vision in One Eye are:

  • Change in level of alertness
  • Passing out spells
  • Confusion
  • Persistent lethargy
  • Weakness on the side of the body
  • Pain in the eye.

How is Blurred Vision in One Eye Treated?

Normally, blurred vision in one eye should resolve on its own; however, if this is not the case then it would be best for you to consult an ophthalmologist for a complete eye checkup. Based on the symptoms, the physician will try to pinpoint a cause for the condition and formulate a treatment plan. You should strictly follow the treatments suggested by the physician. This may vary from eyedrops to medications which you need to take as prescribed.

In case if the eye is completely normal and still you have the symptoms then it may suggest some other cause for blurred vision in one eye. The physician will order certain tests like MRI scan of the brain and orbits to look for a structural lesion and other blood tests to rule out infection as an etiology of the symptoms.

In case if you are a diabetic then you will be tested for complications of eyes due to diabetes. Once a cause for your condition is identified then you need to follow the treatment recommendations diligently to prevent complications like further damage to the brain, complete loss of vision, spread of infection and even sometimes coma.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 23, 2023

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