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Can Coughing Too Much Damage the Throat & How Does Coughing Affect Your Body?

A cough is considered as the fast dismissal of air from your lungs for clearing the throat as well as airways of mucus, fluids, foreign particles, microbes besides different irritants. According to a study, the average cough does last for nearly 18 days and after extending eight weeks, your cough can be viewed as chronic and so, you are recommended to seek medical advice. There are countless people who never treat a persistent cough for an extended period. Only a physician can help you in discovering whether or not your cough is symptomatic of a thing which is highly serious. Therefore, if after waking up in the morning, you notice that you have been suffering from a sore throat then don’t just take a lozenge and ignore it. When you have been suffering from persistent throat pain, then your body can easily tell you that something isn’t right and so, it is an excellent idea to visit a doctor for the diagnosis. Chronic cough can have damaging effects on the health and hence arises the question whether coughing damages the throat or not.

Can Coughing Too Much Damage the Throat?

Can Coughing Too Much Damage the Throat?

Yes, coughing too much can damage the throat. Prolonged cough can lead to wear and tear of the throat tissues and bring out blood. It can also damage the vocal cords permanently. Not only the throat, the chest and abdominal muscle can also be injured due to continuous coughing thus causing pain.

How Coughing Affects Your Body?

Actually, a cough is viewed as one of the most usual reasons for which a person meets a doctor. Coughing is considered a significant reflex which keeps your lungs as well as airways free from foreign objects or secretions which might interfere with your breathing. Coughing can turn out to be a response to an obstruction or irritation in your larynx, bronchial tubes, lungs, and most importantly, in your throat. However, in the majority of the conditions, a cough does not need medical attention.

Your sinuses, lungs, and throat comprise a network of many cough receptors or nerve endings which convey cough messages to your brain. Commonly, a cough starts with inhalation of air and the closing of your vocal cords and epiglottis, and it keeps the air in your lungs. Here, in this situation, your chest muscles, and diaphragm contract and they create pressure. Additionally, your vocal cords and epiglottis open tersely and it allows trapped air to burst out of your lungs. It also loosens and expels mucus and foreign objects. It might go unnoticed, but people commonly cough only one or two times an hour and it tends to be an action which clears their throat. This much is superbly good and well until and unless you get affected with the dry hacking kind of a cough which compels you to remain awake at night and it transforms into a social liability during the day.

Types of Coughs

There are a couple of different kinds of coughs, namely; productive and non-productive. A productive cough brings up sputum from your respiratory tract and this mechanism aids in speedy recovery from the airways and lungs’ inflammation. On the other hand, non-productive cough tends to be scratchy and dry and it raises absolutely no sputum. It is commonly a response to medication and allergies. When you suffer from a cold, then the type of cough is commonly dry during the initial stages. However, later, you might suffer from a productive cough. By this, it is meant that your cold is on its way out.

Causes of Cough and Sore Throat

Your sore throat can take numerous forms. This can be itchy or scratchy or can result in painful swallowing. At times, a sore throat gets accompanied by an irritating cough and it can irritate your tender throat more than ever. Many viruses and common colds can result in a sore throat which commonly subsides within some days only. However, when your sore throat persists for a long time and you fail to find relief, then you must take it pretty seriously. There are some probable causes of a lingering sore throat and they include:

A few of these conditions, such as flu might be pretty minor and it doesn’t need treatment. On the contrary, tonsillitis and strep throat can result in severe health problems if it isn’t treated well. Again, the ‘run of the mill’ tonsillitis and sore throat are habitually seen by a primary care physician. The majority of these people have got infectious mononucleosis or they require tonsillectomies.

Additionally, persistent throat pain which feels worse on a side might symbolize a bacterial infection which commonly starts in the form of a complication of tonsillitis. It can also indicate untreated strep throat which is recognized as peritonsillar abscess. At times, this pain might symbolize an advanced tumor.


When coughing brings up mucus which is green, brown or yellow, then it might show infection which requires treatment by your doctor. When your mucus is bright red and blood-tinged, then you must have a consultation with your doctor at the earliest. Again, excessive coughing is capable of causing your blood vessels in your throat to bleed and rupture and it isn’t a severe problem. Nonetheless, you can suffer from an acute respiratory problem which causes bleeding and it requires to be treated instantly. It is also important to have a consultation with your physician when you have been coughing frequently and it has extended for more than five days and that too without any obvious reason. You should also seek a doctor when you suffer from a cough which is attributable to flu, cold, or some other causes which fails to become better within a period of three weeks.


  1. Mayo Clinic – “Sore throat” Link: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sore-throat/symptoms-causes/syc-20351635 Summary: Mayo Clinic’s article discusses different causes of sore throats, including infections, allergies, and when to seek medical attention.
  2. Medical News Today – “What to know about blood in the throat” Link: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321724

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 1, 2023

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