List of Foods That Surge Testosterone Levels in Men

Apart from the testosterone replacement therapy, which has its own side effects, the natural enhancement of the testosterone levels is of prime importance for they are devoid of side effects. If the testosterone level of the patient is borderline low, the doctor usually tries to increase through incorporation of certain ingredients in the food and also modifying the lifestyle of the patients.

List of Foods That Surge Testosterone Levels in Men

Various foods are available that surges the level of testosterone. These can also be used as an adjuvant to the main therapy. Following are the ingredients that are generally used to increase the level of testosterone:

Beef: The beef contains high quantity of proteins and zinc that helps in increasing the level of testosterone. It also helps in improving the sperm count and helps improving sex drive.

Shellfish: The occasional intake of shell fish such as crabs surges the level of testosterone. These contain zinc which is an essential nutrient for sperm production and also helps in managing male infertility by increasing the production of sperms.

Garlic: Garlic supplementation surges testicular testosterone and also decreases the level of cortisol. The chemical present in the garlic helps in improving the metabolism and helps in releasing the LH from the pituitary gland by increasing noradrenaline concentration.

Red Grapes: Red Grapes contains high quantity of potent antioxidant, resveratrol. Resveratrol is an aromatase inhibitor, which inhibits the conversion of testosterone to estrogens, thereby increasing the levels of testosterone. Further, grapes also help improving sperm motility.

Eggs: Eggs are a good source of Vitamin D and the cholesterol present in the egg yolk helps improving the level of testosterone. Further eggs also contain omega-3 fatty acids and proteins which helps in increasing the level of testosterone.

Cereals: Cereals are very important in boosting the testosterone levels. These contain sufficient quantity of vitamins and minerals that helps in increasing the level of testosterone. Certain brands of cereals have Vitamin D added which helps in increasing the level of testosterone.

Cabbage: This ingredient work by reducing the level of estrogen in the body and enhancing the masculine characteristics. The chemical, indole-3 carbinol present in the cabbage helps reducing the level of estrogen.

Vitamin D: Supplementing with high dose of vitamin D3 shows increased level of testosterone. A deficiency in Vitamin D levels reduces the level of testosterone while increasing the level of estrogen. Some studies also suggest the role of Vitamin D as aromatase inhibitor.

Oysters: Oyster is an excellent source of zinc and it is this feature that helps in enhancing the level of testosterone in the body. Apart from improving testosterone level, oyster also surges muscle mass and enhances sperm production.

Almonds: Almonds contains high quantity of monounsaturated fats which helps in increasing the level of testosterone.

Spinach: Spinach is rich in zinc and omega-3 fatty acids which boosts the level of testosterone. Further various other nutrients such as nitrates, vitamin B6 and potassium required for testosterone synthesis are also present in spinach.

Bananas: Rich in bromelain which surges male libido, bananas also contain vitamin B complex which is essential for chemical reactions required for the synthesis of testosterone.

Olive Oil: Olive oil contains high concentration of mono unsaturated fatty acid and helps in improving testosterone level and sperm production.

Pumpkin Seeds: Rich in unsaturated fats and the ingredients required for testosterone synthesis, pumpkin seeds are used as the natural testosterone boosters.


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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 19, 2018

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