Children With Learning Disabilities: Tips to Help Them

Think of a situation where a child has problem with learning. He simply is not able to fulfill the basic abilities of a normal childlike learning and understanding. So how do you cope up with this loss? It is only natural for a child to be diagnosed with problem in learning. It is very important to see that your child has a bright future and a successful career. So with your mental and physical support can bring about a lot of change in his self-confidence. His attitude towards his disability is likely to be changed. Below are few tips for parents or caretakers who want to help their children with learning disabilities.

Children With Learning Disabilities

Tip #1: Education of Your Child Should be Your Prime Responsibility in order to Help Children with Learning Disabilities

It is often seen that this generation parents are very busy and do not have time for their children. They simply shoulder off their child’s responsibility on some school, teacher or governess. But money can never be a substitute for education, especially for children who are different in terms of learning ability. Education of your children should be your prime responsibility in order to help children with learning disabilities.

The school is sometimes required to take up an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) if so demanded for a demonstration in terms of educational requirement. Some guardians may find it irritating and time consuming with no benefits. But it is important to know that a good understanding of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will only help in the betterment of your child. The services followed at school and a guideline asked to be followed by the parents is for the better of the children themselves. In some schools the child may be allowed accommodation services. It is all in the discretion of the school and its administration.

How to Communicate with the School in Terms of Your Child’s Performance?

On the very first hand you have be a great orator. You will need to develop good communication skills so that you can articulate your child’s problem to the school that suits him best. After all you got to get the best out of the school for your children with learning disabilities.

  • Be clear on your goals. Be prepared about what you want to see. In fact you can write them down too so that you do not miss out any point.
  • Be a sound listener. This is important as the officials of the school should be given chance to say what they feel. You can later ask for more clarification and detail understanding from the school about where exactly did your child falter the way school feels.
  • Keep options. If you feel the guidance is not going in a proper way, feel free to say what you feel. Also keep options for new ways of tackling challenges.
  • Be focused. It is indeed a fact that among thousands of students that the school authority deals with on a regular basis, your child is no special case to them so be focused and be patient in dealing with your child’s problems.
  • Be positive. Never develop a gradual negative attitude towards your challenges. You have to stay calm and determined in your goals. After all it all sums up to the life your child will lead.
  • Never lose hope. It is the only thing that will drive you to your goal. Try and try and try and try again till you succeed.

Tip #2: Determining the Best Possible ways Your Child Learns is a Great way to Help Children with Learning Disabilities

Each child is unique and different in their own ways. Immaterial of whether they have any disability in them or not, their learning styles are different. Some children catch things easily while some may take time. You will notice that some learn by seeing and listening while some may have to be taught the same things repeatedly. The learning style can be determined at a primary level when the child is in his initial age. Determining the best possible ways your child learns is a great way to aid children with learning disabilities.

Whether your child learns by listening or by seeing depends on how long you have noticed your child’s learning habits and spent time on him. You can help him learn by teaching him the way he is comfortable by first determining his comfort zone. Here is a list that helps determine what your child strong is in.

Children with Learning Disabilities: Does Your Child Learn by Seeing?

  • Sees and learns things easily.
  • Does not understand words but when presented, he is at ease with it.
  • Is better at charts,written documents, directions on pen and paper, pictures, diagrams and maps.
  • Is good at spelling when given in writing.
  • Is good at dictation and loves to paint and draw.

Children with Learning Disabilities: Does Your Child Learn by Listening?

  • Learns by hearing.
  • Is good in viva voce and oral exams. Understands lectures and is comfortable in it.
  • Is good in discussions, oral exhibitions and lectures.
  • Is comfortable with music, elocutions, and in stage.

Children with Learning Disabilities: Does Your Child Learn in Movements?

  • Learns by doing and movements.
  • Is a great explorer and takes interest in adventure. This is where he can touch, feel, see and do things personally.
  • Is good in activities like laboratory, props, field trips and skits.
  • Is active in sports activity.
  • Is good at dance, drama, on stage performance. Is active in martial arts and SUPW (Socially Useful Productive Work) activities.

Tip #3: Look at the Better Picture. Take Success in Life More Seriously than Success at School Level If You want to Help Your Children with Learning Disabilities

Success is a broader aspect. You have got to look at the bigger picture. Success is not measured by the scores of the report card. Their hopes, aspirations and dreams extend beyond that. Success truly means a happy life with a satisfying job and a sense of relief. Take success in life more seriously than success at school level if you want to help your children with learning disabilities

The basic point beyond all this lies in the fact that success in life is not limited to the results of our report card and academic qualification. It is being a good human being who has in the process of growing up developed the necessities of being a good human being. The sense of helping other in need, having the feel of the poor and needy, apathy toward the person in distress and the quality of developing healthy relationships towards your fellow mates is all that is required for a good person. In fact this is more and indeed much more than a high score in your competitive exams or grades at your college level.

A study shows that keeping focus on broader skills develops self-confidence and positive attributes in your children with learning disabilities. Here is mentioned some of the skills that will help in social development of your children.

#1: Teach Children with Learning Disabilities about the Confidence and Awareness on Things they Conduct

Children with learning disabilities must be well aware of their own weaknesses and strengths. This knowledge is very important to analyze the self-confidence built within. Not being aware of one’s own disabilities keeps the child de-motivated and in the process loses their self-confidence and they start questioning their own abilities.

  • Question your child often of where they falter and let him talk about their own strength and weaknesses.
  • Keep the habits of talking with your child regarding the challenges and disabilities they face.
  • Be on the field when your child is working. Doing the activity will result in a win situation. The child will develop a feel of secure and help.
  • Help the child with his strength and weakness. Have the empathy towards his area of work. This will keep him motivated and make him feel important.

#2: Teach Children with Learning Disabilities to Become Proactive

Proactive means having the attitude of solving problems and the ability to take decisions. They are able to solve actions that need immediate response. For children with disabilities in learning being proactive is important. Like being in the forefront and being at the center. Also you should have the will to make your choice in being proactive.

  • Being taking with the problems that they might have encountered and hoe to tackle them.
  • How do the problems affect them? How do they decide what decision to take when in problem? How sensibly do they face the problem? These are questions that need to be asked.
  • If you feel that your child lacks the decision making power in them, then allow them make decision right at home. These are habits that need to be developed at home. They should be competent enough to tackle conflicts.
  • Sometimes you can also pretend a fake conflict. See you your child reacts to it. You can then discuss with them what other possible reactions they could have made.

#3: Teach Children with Learning Disabilities the Quality of “Perseverance”

Perseverance is the ability to keep moving though you may face challenges and obstacles in your way. You should be flexible enough to cater your ways once things are not according to your plans. Children with learning disabilities should be more patient to bear the challenges along their way.

  • You can share stories of perseverance with them. How legendary men have accomplished success only through the path of perseverance.
  • You can discuss positive roles of patience and tolerance with them. Talk to them about rewards of hard work.
  • Discuss that failures are the pillars of success. They should have the mindset to raise again and again as much number of times they may fall.

#4: Teach the Children With Learning Disabilities “The Smart Move of Setting Goals”

The decision to set goals that are smart in a way is a very important attitude in being successful in life. It helps children with learning disabilities adjust to the different changes that you may encounter in your daily life.

  • Teach your children with learning disabilities how to set goals. The goals should be monitored on a timely basis so that they may never lose focus on it.
  • Keep motivating on short and long term goals with your children.
  • Celebrate when your children achieves anything. It is a very motivating practice as it brings in a big self-confidence in your children.

Help your children develop healthy emotions and sentiments. They should ventilate their anger, emotions, distress and in capabilities in a positive outlook. They should be open to their frustration if any and you should be patient enough to listen to their opinion. This practice will gradually help them overcome their learning incapability and help them succeed in their life. They will learn to keep calm and control their emotions.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 2, 2021

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