How To Reduce And Manage Job And Workplace Stress?

While the stress that you experience at the workplace is normal, excessive stress can often affect the productivity and can lay an impact on the emotional as well as physical health. Your ability to deal with the stress can often determine the success or failure and your capacity to handle the stress as well.

You cannot control all the things that happen in your workplace. Some things are just beyond your control and that does not mean you are completely powerless to handle them. Finding certain ways to manage the workplace stress is not making about commendable changes or choosing a different career path. It is about focusing on all the things that are within the limits of your control.

How to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress

Your emotions are contagious and an impact can be laid on it by stress that you are experiencing. It can also impact on the quality and the way you interact with others. You will be able to positively speak to all the people around you when you manage the stress around you in a perfect way.

Natural Ways to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress:

Important to Identify Early Warning Signs of Stress at Work to Manage it Effectively

By recognizing the early warning signs of stress at work you will be able to reduce and manage the job and workplace stress effectively. Overwhelming feelings at work can tend to make you feel less confident and irritable or terribly withdrawn. This can also affect your productivity at work and make you less effective while doing your work. If you ignore the signs of stress at work, they can ultimately bring larger problems in your life. Intense or chronic stress can interfere with the job satisfaction and performance as well. Apart from this, it can also cause intense emotional or physical health issues. Following are the symptoms of experiencing stress in the workplace.

  • Feeling depressed, irritated or anxious
  • Loss of interest or apathy in doing certain work
  • Loss of sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Concentration issues
  • Headaches or muscle tension
  • Withdrawal from social activities
  • Loss in sexual interests
  • Consuming alcohol or drugs to cope with the stress
  • Stomach problems.

Good Physical & Mental Health is Key to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress:

By taking proper care of your physical and mental health you will be able to cut down and manage the job and workplace stress. It is a call for help when workplace stress interferes with your ability to perform or manage your job in your personal life. It can also have an adverse impact on the health as well. When this is the case, it is necessary to pay careful attention to your emotional as well as physical health. When you take care of your own needs, you become resilient and stronger in handling stress. When you feel better, you will be in a position to handle all the overwhelming situations.

Overhauling your complete lifestyle is not the only meaning when it comes to taking care of yourself. Doing small things can boost your energy and make you feel positive. Take baby steps at a time and make positive choices that can help in reducing the stress levels at work or home.

Healthy Eating Habits Plays Positive Role in Reducing and Managing Job and Workplace Stress

You can feel irritable and anxious when the blood sugar is low. Overeating can make you feel lazy or sluggish. Healthy eating can be of great help during the stressful work days. By consuming small meals at regular intervals, the blood sugar will be maintained and it can keep your energy level on the high side. This may also help you in getting rid of the mood swings while at work.

Get Good Amount of Sleep to Overcome Workplace Stress

The stress and worries can not only make you insomniac but it can increase the stress levels as well. When you rest well, you will be able to maintain the emotional balance and cope with the stress you experience in the workplace. The quality of sleep can be improved by maintaining a schedule for sleeping every night and be sure to adjust it to 8 hours every night.

Importance of Time Management in Reducing and Managing Job and Workplace Stress

By managing your time and prioritizing your work properly you will be able to scale down the job and workplace stress. When you are threatened by the job and the stress in your workplace, there are simple measures you can take for bringing them under control. Your ability to manage the stress and maintain your cool at all times will be appreciated by your managers, subordinates and coworkers as well. The following suggestions will help you in managing stress levels in a better way.

Time Management Ideas to Reduce Workplace Stress

The following time management approaches can reduce the excess job or workplace stress:

  • A balanced schedule is the key. Create a complete schedule by analyzing your daily tasks as well as responsibilities. Try to balance the time you allot for work as well as for the family, social activities and other responsibilities.
  • Never tend to over-commit. Do not try to fit all the tasks in a single schedule or fix a tight schedule. Many a times, we underestimate our ability to handle things and when tasks take too long to finish, it can bring down the morale. Learn to distinguish between things that are necessary to be completed today and the ones that have to be pushed for the other day.
  • Try to leave home early. Even a difference in a time span of 10-15 minutes can make a huge difference and save you from rushing to the office. This will bring down the stress levels and you will be at your cool by the time to reach to your desk.
  • Take regular breaks. Make sure to plan breaks at short intervals just to vent your mind. Get away from your work station and take a stroll to the lunch area or the nearest coffee machine.

Work Management Ideas to Reduce Workplace Stress

The below work management plans can help you reduce job or workplace stress:

  • Make a to-do list of all the tasks based on their priorities. Do the ones that are of high priority at first and then go on to the ones that are of less importance. This way, your entire day will be free of stress.
  • Break large projects into smaller ones. If you find that a large project makes you feel overwhelming, try to break them into smaller ones. This will lead to an easy management and the task will be completed in less time as well.
  • Distribute your work and responsibilities. You do not have to complete the tasks all by yourself. By letting go of your desires to handle the things all at once, the stress levels will be considerably reduced.
  • Be ready to compromise. When you ask a person to contribute to the task, change their work behavior, or revise a work deadline, make a point to do the same. There is no harm in bending a little and find a middle ground where things seem less stressful.

Effective Use of Emotional Intelligence to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress:

By effectively using your Emotional intelligence (EQ) you will be able to reduce job and workplace stress. Even if you are working in a place, where the environment is stressful, try to be in control and never lose your self control. You can practice emotional intelligence and it is the ability to use or manage the emotions in a positive way. When you have to feel satisfied at work, emotional intelligence is equally important like the intellectual ability. Through this, you will be able to handle the indifference, draw people towards to you and eliminate the stress levels.

The Important Techniques of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

These key techniques will help you in mastering the stress and raise the emotional intelligence for managing the stress levels in the workplace.

  • Realize the instances when you are stressed understand the responses that you give at a particular situation and be sensually sound. Through senses like touch, taste, smell, sound and sight, you will be able to reduce the stress levels. As each person responds in a different, you must understand the things that work well for you.
  • Connect with your internal emotional experiences so you can manage the emotions appropriately. Your emotions can influence your actions and thoughts, so be sure to control them as it can play a crucial part in your workplace. When you ignore your emotions, you will be unable to understand your motivations and maintain communication with other people.
  • Understand and use nonverbal signs and body language in an effective manner. There are instances when the things we speak seem less important than the nonverbal gestures we send out.
  • This may include facial expression, touch, and tone of voice, gesture, eye contact and posture. These messages that are sent out via expressions can either build a sense of trust and interest or create distrust or a state of confusion.
  • Learn to face the challenges with a sense of humor. A hearty laugh can be your stress buster and create an emotional balance instantly. When you share a humor with others, it can help to reduce the stress levels at work.
  • Resolve conflict positively. When you resolve the conflict in a healthy way, it can help you in strengthening the bond of trust between people and eliminate stress levels. Be sure to connect with the emotions of your inner self and resolve a conflict by using better means. When you cannot find a resolution for the fight, choose the end the argument.

Eliminate Bad Habits to Reduce and Manage Job and Workplace Stress:

By gradually eliminating the personal bad habits you will be able to cut down and manage job and workplace stress effectively. The stress at work can worsen with negative behavior and thoughts. If you positively turn around these impulsive behaviors, you will find it easier to handle the stress.

  • Refuse to go along with perfectionism. No situation or act demands you to be perfect, so stop trying to be perfect. Rather than setting unrealistic goals, try to keep them small so that you can tackle them. Aim to perform at your best and no one will demand more.
  • Clean your act. If you are bound to run late at all times, set the time on your clock fast and give some extra time to yourself. If your desk is messy, throw away things that cause clutter. This can also lead to lesser stress levels and make you less overwhelmed.
  • Choose to think positively. If you compel yourself to see the downside of every interaction or situation, you will drain your energy by yourself. Try to maintain a positive attitude towards your work and pat your back at the end of even small accomplishments.
  • Never control the uncontrollable. There are things that are beyond our control-especially else’s behavior. Rather than breaking your sweat behind them, choose to stay controlled when it comes to reacting to problems. There is no point in stressing out.

Managers Role in Reducing and Managing Job and Workplace Stress Tip:

By learning how managers and employers can reduce job stress you can effectively reduce and manage job and workplace stress. It is the responsibility of the manager to reduce the stress levels in the workplace. Managers can turn out to be the role models in the positive way especially in stressful situations. If a manager is calm in any stressful event, it becomes easier for his or her employees to be at their coolest. Apart from this, there are many organizational changes that the employees and managers can undertake for reducing stress levels. These are:

Enhance Communication

  • Believe in sharing the information with your employees to reduce the insecurity about their future and the job.
  • Define the roles as well as responsibilities of the employees clearly.
  • Choose to maintain a friendly and professional without being mean or petty.

Harvest a Friendly Environment

  • Offer opportunities for maintaining social relations among all the employees.
  • Set up a zero-tolerance policy for creating workplace nuisance.
  • Create management actions reliably with values at the organization.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 3, 2019

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