Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention

What is Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes?

There are so many animals living with us in this world, some are friendlier and some are not that friendlier to humans. One such type of animal is “snake”. Some people have a great phobia from snake whereas rest are not that afraid of it. Those who have an intense, persistent and irrational fear of snake are known to have ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Even a small thought or seeing a photo of snakes can trigger a fit of anxiety in a man having ophidiophobia or fear of snakes.

The word ophidiophobia is derived from Greek word “ophis” which refers to serpent. It is connected by determined and excessive fear incited by an encounter or anticipation to encounter snakes. Most of the times, the fear is irrelevant, or has no danger of snakes at all in reality.

What is Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

Is Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes a Common Disease?

Ophidiophobia or fear of snakes is known as one of the most common phobias present in the world. Several studies show that around 10% of the world population has this phobia. It can occur to anyone irrespective of age, gender or any other personal traits. But, there are more chances of developing this phobia in case an individual has encountered any appalling circumstance including snakes in young age. Most of the people who have ophidiophobia or fear of snakes might not have much unsettling influence in life as snakes are not that common in a household. But for those who are living near woods or forests, might find it a severe problem.

Causes of Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

Ignorance and absence of training is a standout amongst the most widely recognized causes why people fear snakes. Early trauma can cause ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Seeing or witnessing an incident wherein someone else, a close companion or relative was hissed at, or bitten by a snake can likewise prompt the dread of snakes. Media reports and TV shows can likewise persuade that snakes are constantly perilous prompting ophidiophobia or fear of snakes.

A few causes known to have developed 8. Astraphobia or Fear of Thunder and Lightning in individuals are:

  1. Evolutionary and Hereditary Factors Can Cause Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

    Evolutionary psychologists trace the development of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes to the human advancement and early civic establishments. It is believed that the dread can be a side effect of a survival system utilized by our progenitors in those days. Perhaps, snakes must have possessed a gigantic peril to human survival in the early era.

    As generations passed, the trait including the natural dread of snakes has been inherited by individuals. In fact, in the event that you have had Ophidiophobia earlier in your family history, then there are more chances of you acquiring this dread. This can be a noteworthy cause for ophidiophobia or fear of snakes to be so common in individuals.

  2. Another Cause of Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes is Traumatic Circumstance Including Snakes

    Any past experience including snakes, for example, wind chomps or a murmur from snake, that was traumatic and annoying, can likewise make a man ophidiophobic. It can likewise be a result of seeing another person confronting a terrifying circumstance with snakes. The various shows on TV and internet showing snakes and perils related to snakes can likewise be another cause for ophidiophobia or fear of snakes.

  3. Cultural Elements Can Cause Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

    Snakes have dependably been connected with awful sign and demise. In Bible, snake has been depicted as abhorrent and incredulous. Such antagonistic convictions may likewise amplify the natural dread in a few people, and cause ophidiophobia or fear of snakes.

Signs and Symptoms of Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

Ophidiophobia or fear of snakes can be mild or severe. In the event that you have mild ophidiophobia or fear of snakes, then you encounter outrageous dread just when you really witness huge and harmful snakes. In the event that it is an extreme case then even little and tame snakes or even pictures of snakes can bring about the anxiety quite severely and this is a major symptom of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Some of the common symptoms that can occur in children as well as adults are listed below:

  • Intense and diligent dread created by the genuine experience or only a reckoning of experiencing a snake.
  • Screaming and crying when confronted with snake, or even a photo of snake is a symptom of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes.
  • Complete avoidance of places where snakes may be seen, for example, zoo.
  • Entirely avoiding the activities such as camping, hiking or swimming in lakes because of the dread to discover snakes.
  • Panic attacks when confronted with anything connected with snakes.
  • Physical signs of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes, for example, trembling, sweating and damp hands, dry mouth, deadness in appendages, trouble in breathing, wooziness or swooning, dashing pulse, stomach uneasiness and muscle pressure.

When you Should Visit a Specialist for Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes?

It is normal to be dreadful and apprehensive about seeing or encountering a snake. But in case the affect of fear is over the scale and its affecting your normal life, you need to consult a doctor. In the event that the above symptoms have been repeating for over six months and meddled your ordinary errands, you need to get proper treatment from a professional psychologist for ophidiophobia or fear of snakes.

Risk Factor for Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

These risk factors may expand your danger of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes:

  • Age can be a risk factor for ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Ophidiophobia or fear of snakes ordinarily early in life, mainly by the age of 13. Particular phobias first appear in young age, more often at the age of 10.
  • On the off chance that somebody in your family has a particular fear, for example, a dread of snakes you might probably create it, as well. This could be an inherited tendency, or kids may learn fears by watching a relative’s phobic response to a protest or a circumstance.
  • Your risk may increase in case you are more delicate, more hindered or more negative than the standard.

Tests to Diagnose Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

There are no lab tests for ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Rather, the diagnosis depends on an intensive clinical interview and diagnostic guidelines. Your specialist will make inquiries about your symptoms and take a medicinal, psychiatric and social history.

In order to diagnose with ophidiophobia or fear of snakes, you should meet certain criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders distributed by the APA (American Psychiatric Association). This manual is utilized by emotional well-being suppliers to analyze conditions and by insurance agencies to repay for treatment.

Diagnostic criteria for particular phobia like ophidiophobia or fear of snakes include:

  • An extraordinary dread or anxiety activated by snakes.
  • A quick anxiety reaction when you face the source of your dread, including their pictures.
  • Fear or nervousness that is nonsensical or out of extent to the hazard postured by the protest or circumstance.
  • Avoidance of the object or circumstance you dread, or perseverance of it with extraordinary trouble.
  • Significant misery or issues with social exercises, work or different parts of your life because of the dread, uneasiness and evasion.
  • Persistent fear and evasion, generally enduring six months or more.

Treatment to Help Overcome Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

A mix of various treatments and meds can control the symptoms in extreme cases. Ophidiophobia or fear of snakes have been dealt effectively in many cases utilizing these following treatment techniques.

  1. System Desensitization Treatment for Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

    This is one of the viable treatments used to bring the manifestations in control. The specialist would contemplate the level of dread in the individual by making him go up against a toy snake, a genuine snake or pictures of snakes in a safe domain. CBT treatment for ophidiophobia or fear of snakes rotates around desensitizing or debilitating the dread by normal presentation to the frightful subject.

    Close by this, the advisor additionally can instruct diverse unwinding routes, for example, breathing activities, mental visualization practice and meditation to the individual. The individual needs to utilize these unwinding methods when presented to the frightful subject, and acquire the dread control. At times, the advisor likewise can utilize mesmerizing to help the unwinding.

  2. Another way to Overcome Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    CBT is another treatment utilized as a part of the treatment procedure of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. The specialist is centered on changing the negative contemplations including the dread with snakes, and supplanting them with positive ones. The treatment comprises of one to one counseling sessions with the advisor where the individual speaks and shares about the dread and everything connected with it. The specialist gives counseling and awareness about snakes, and tries adjusting the frightful conduct by evacuating all the bogus convictions of snakes.

  3. Relaxation Methods in Treating Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

    These incorporate counting and positive affirmations, controlled breathing, and meditation when confronted with pictures of snakes. The best part about relaxation methods for treating ophidiophobia or fear of snakes is that one can tailor their own particular solutions and help oneself conquer the dread of snakes.

  4. Hypnotherapy Is Effective in Helping Overcome Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

    Hypnotherapy is a good treatment option for ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Hypnotherapy can be an option for a few people. Working with a professional therapist gives the individual the chance to do a reversal and reinvent his or her reasoning about snakes. This is not generally the best alternative, since it includes surrendering some level of control to the specialist while in a daze.

  5. Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes Can Also Be Treated by Energy Psychology

    Energy psychology is also a treatment option. Another treatment alternative for individuals living with ophidiophobia or fear of snakes is energy psychology. This way to deal with fears has the benefit of giving results quite rapidly. The client figures out how to change his or her present practices to more positive ones. The individual’s thought patterns likewise develop through this procedure.

  6. Group Therapy Can Be Helpful in Treating Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

    Individual and group therapy can help in managing ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Talking about one’s apprehensions can discharge negative sentiments while thinking of procedures to adapt to their fear.

  7. Medicines for Treating Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

    In serious cases, anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs are accustomed to bring the symptoms in control. The meds may not be utilized for a prolonged time. But, it relies upon the seriousness of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes.

Prevention of Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

Prevention of ophidiophobia or fear of snakes is not possible. If you have nonsensical feelings of trepidation, consider getting psychological help, particularly in the event that you have youngsters. In spite of the fact that hereditary qualities likely play a part in the improvement of fears, repeatedly observing another persons phobic response can trigger a fear in youngsters. By managing your own particular feelings of trepidation, you will not not pass them on to your youngsters.

Coping With Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes

Professional treatment can help you defeat your fear or oversee it adequately so you do not turn into a detainee to your feelings of dread. You can likewise step all alone to adapt and cope with ophidiophobia or fear of snakes:

  • Try not to dodge dreaded situations in order to cope with ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Family, companions and your specialist can help you take a shot at this.
  • Reach out is a best way to cope with ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Think about joining as a self improvement or care group where you can associate with other people who comprehend what you are experiencing.
  • Take medications as prescribed for ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Try not to stop a med without first conversing with your therapist, as a few drugs can bring about withdrawal indications.
  • Take care of yourself. Get enough rest, eat health and attempt to be physically dynamic consistently.

Coping With Ophidiophobia or Fear of Snakes in Children

Childhood fears, for example, fear of the night, of beasts or of being left alone, are common, and most kids exceed them. Yet, in the event that your child has a tenacious, extreme ophidiophobia or fear of snakes that is restricting his or her ability to function in daily life, converse with your specialist. To help your kid cope with fears:

  • Talk openly about ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Try not to trivialize the issue or deprecate your youngster for being apprehensive. Rather, let your kid realize that you are there to listen and to offer assistance.
  • Do not fortify fears for proper coping. Rather, take advantage of the opportunity to help youngsters conquer their ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. On the off chance that your kid fears the neighbor’s cordial pooch, for instance, don’t make a special effort to maintain a strategic distance from the creature. Rather, help your kid cope when stood up to the canine.
  • Model positive conduct for coping with ophidiophobia or fear of snakes. Since kids learn by watching, you can exhibit how to react when confronted by snakes. You can first exhibit dread and after that demonstrate to beat the dread.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 15, 2017

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