What Happens When You Have Diabetes | 10 Ways in Which Diabetes Affects the Body

Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus, is a metabolic disease, in which a person has high blood sugar levels for long periods of time. What happens when you have diabetes, is a question worth looking into. If left untreated or if not managed well, diabetes can create problems and there at least 10 ways in which diabetes affects the body. Diabetes presents itself with high blood sugar level, increased thirst, increased hunger, and frequent urination. When you have diabetes, you will feel these issues, which may be overlooked, but it is essential to know the way in which diabetes affects your body. If diabetes is left untreated, it can result in further health issues and complications. It is important to understand what happens when you have diabetes.

What Happens When You Have Diabetes?

Diabetes either occurs due to the pancreas not being able to produce enough insulin, or body cells not reacting to the produced insulin. Diabetes is of three main types.

  • Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus – When you have Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, the pancreas aren’t able to produce enough insulin.
  • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – When you have Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, there is insulin resistance, in which body cells do not respond to insulin properly. Lack of insulin also tends to develop when diabetes affects the body.
  • Gestational Diabetes – This type of diabetes can affect the body, when women are pregnant. When you have diabetes during pregnancy, high blood sugar levels develop with no previous history of diabetes.

What Happens When You Have Diabetes?

Diabetes produces certain symptoms, which can be identified. When you have diabetes you can have the following symptoms.

Frequent urination – A Common Symptom When You Have Diabetes

Increased frequency of urination is a very usual symptom of diabetes. When you have diabetes, you’re likely to experience a noticeable increase in your frequency of urination.

Complaint of Excessive Thirst When You Have Diabetes

Along with excessive urination, you may also experience an increase in thirst or the frequency of the stimulus, when you have diabetes.

Increased Hunger – It Happens When You Have Diabetes

Significant increase in hunger is another symptom, you may notice if you have diabetes. You’ll find that you tend to feel hungry more often than before.

Weight Loss – Check Your Weight When You Have Diabetes

Diabetes can result in loss of weight. While increase in weight is generally associated with increased hunger, weight loss, when you have diabetes is also common.

Fatigue – Feeling Tired is Common When You Have Diabetes

If you’ve noticed that you’ve been unusually tired for a long time without any apparent reason, diabetes can be a possible cause.

Numbness or Tingling – An Important Symptom When You Have Diabetes

If you have diabetes, you may notice frequent episodes of a tingling sensation in your hands and feet.

Blurring of Vision Due to Diabetes

Blurry vision may become a common issue when you have diabetes. While you can get blurred vision due to various causes, considering the possibility of diabetes is advisable.

10 Ways in Which Diabetes Can Affect Your Body

Diabetes can affect your body and can produce variety of serious health issues. The following are 10 ways diabetes can affect you.

1. Effect of Diabetes on Your Heart

Diabetes can affect your body by influencing high blood pressure and can affect the heart. When you have diabetes, you may be at an increased risk for other serious health problems like narrowing of arteries, high blood pressure, heart attacks, coronary heart disease, stroke and various other heart diseases. Moreover, complaints like chest pain may not be appreciated well, due to reduced pain sensation in people having diabetes.

2. Diabetes Can Affect Your Eyes

A common complication of diabetes, is diabetic retinopathy, which is produced by years of uncontrolled diabetes. In this condition, the blood vessels at the back of the eye swell up and start leaking. Associated high blood pressure can make it worse. When you have diabetes, your risk of eye problems like glaucoma and cataracts is increased.

3. Your Nerves Can Get Affected When You Have Diabetes

Poorly controlled, long standing diabetes can affect the nerves. Nerves play an important role in ensuring proper sensation, pain signals and other important functions of the body. Diabetes can have effect on the nerves, resulting in poor sensation and reduced pain perception.

4. Diabetes Can Cause Frequent Infections

Diabetes is likely to affect your immune system and make it weak. You might start experiencing frequent infections when you get affected by diabetes.

5. Slow-Healing Wounds Due to Diabetes

Diabetes can make your body’s wound healing process slow. When you have diabetes, healing and recovery may be delayed, so avoid situations that may cause skin injuries or other wounds.

6. Vomiting and Stomach Pain – Can be Diabetes

This symptom may be mistaken for an effect of flu, and it certainly isn’t easy to determine if it’s being caused by diabetes. But vomiting and stomach pain can occur when you have diabetes. However, certain diabetes medication can also affect your digestive system.

7. Diabetes Can Have Effect on Your Skin

Damaged nervous system and poor healing, can affect your skin, when you have diabetes. Skin infections, cuts or injuries may go unnoticed due to reduced pain and skin sensations. Poor healing can cause more problems resulting in dry, unhealthy skin and long standing poorly healed wounds.

8. Kidneys Problems Caused Due to Diabetes

When you have diabetes, which is not well controlled, your kidneys can get affected. Your kidneys are at risk of damage, when you have diabetes. It may be presented with swollen legs and feet or puffy face.

9. Your Oral Cavity Can Get Affected When You Have Diabetes

Having diabetes can increase the risk of gum disease, which can result in gum inflammation and damage to the teeth even.

10. Lack of Interest and Concentration Caused Due to Diabetes

You may notice a lack of interest and concentration in anything you do. It may be hard to stick to any activities or continue them without interruption, and diabetes can have effect on your performance and overall health.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 17, 2020

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