Can You Save Your Teeth If You Have Gum Disease?

Gum disease or Peridontal disease, is a bacterial infection of the gum pockets that undermines the health of the mouth and the whole body. The gum disease is a slow and silent disease, often starting early in the life of a person. As this disease builds up slowly, many people do not even know that they have the gum disease, until the disease reaches the advanced stage. Usually teeth look longer and you notice sores in your mouth or pus in between your gums and teeth, when you have gum diseases.

Sometimes there may be bleeding from your gums, especially while eating, or brushing. Can you save your teeth if you have gum disease? There are several ways you can save your natural teeth if you have gum disease. Let us know more about it.

Can You Save Your Teeth If You Have Gum Disease?

Various Stages Of Gum Disease:

Gum disease or Periodontal disease, is a deterioration of the gums that is caused by plaque and bacterial growth. If it is left untreated, can worsen over time, progressing through three stages. Let us know about the three stages of gum disease.

Stage 1: Gingivitis

The first stage of gum disease is Gingivitis. In this stage, plaque has built up on your teeth and along the gumline, and bacteria has began to grow in that plaque. This stage causes your gums to inflame and become sore. Gingivitis in its earliest stages, may require professional scaling and root planning treatment from your dentist.

Reversing the gum disease at this stage is pretty much simpler than at later stages. So you need to visit your dentist for diagnosis the stage as soon as you notice the signs.

Stage 2: Periodontitis

If Gingivitis is left unchecked, the gum disease progresses to the second stage and that is Periodontitis. At this stage, the bacteria begin to damage the bone and connective fibers that support your teeth. In this stage, the gums begin to pull away from the teeth, forming pockets below the gumline that can collect food and plaque, allowing more bacteria to grow and result in further damage. It is essential for you to visit a dentist and begin a treatment plan so as to save your teeth, if you have Periodontitis.

Stage 3: Advanced Periodontitis

The third or the final stage of gum disease is advanced Periodontitis. At this stage, the tissue and the bone that holds your teeth in place are severely deteriorated. Here, as the gums have been pulled away and bone loss has worsened, your teeth may loosen or become misaligned. Though professional dental treatment may save your teeth, in some cases your teeth are required to be removed.

Can You Save Your Teeth If You Have Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a dental problem that can affect anyone at any age; and it can become very severe if left untreated. It is possible that you can save your teeth if you have gum disease. For this, you need to seek the help of a dentist. Below are some ways you can save your teeth if you have gum disease.

Improved Oral Hygiene:

It is essential for you to adhere to a dental-care plan that is focused on improving your oral hygiene; deep cleanings will need to be performed and also periodontal surgery, that includes grafting bone that has been affected by the gum disease. With this, many of the affected teeth may be saved.

Dental Implants:

Dental implants are titanium screws that are gently inserted into the jawbone. The purpose behind the dental implants is to replace the root structures of the teeth that were removed. Then, dental crowns or tooth restoration materials, are built on top of those dental implants. The dentist can essentially restore the teeth that have been damaged because of gum disease, if enough of implants are placed in your mouth with proper biological engineering. Dental implants are permanent.

It must be mentioned that dental implants are very expensive and you may be able to afford only a few implants at a time. Also, sometimes the amount of healthy bone remaining in the mouth will be a factor in, if a patient can actually receive the dental implants. It is essential to see an expert dentist and have proper X-rays taken, so that you can assess how much healthy bone is left, the status of the teeth that are there, how viable is it to save them and whether dental implants should be placed using bone grafting.

Laser Treatment:

Laser treatment is a wonderful option for many patients with gum disease. It is quick, safe, gentle and effective, with least side effects.


Apart from the above dental treatments, you need to take care of your teeth and oral hygiene at home in order to save your tooth if you have gum disease. Make sure that you brush and floss at least two times in a day, that would help you reduce the amount of plaque buildup on your teeth, which is known to be the cause of gum disease, moreover, rinse your mouth with a mouthwash to treat gum diseases and also avoid sugary foods and drinks.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 14, 2018

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