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Hip Tendonitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise, Prevention

What is Hip Tendonitis?

Tendonitis is a condition where the tendon gets over strained, such as while performing high potential activities, performing unusual movements for the body, or due to biomechanical problems. Tendonitis is also called as tendinopathy or tendinitis.[1]

Hip tendonitis is a condition in which single or many of the tendons that connect various muscles to the hip bone suffer damage. The hip and pelvis joints are responsible for taking strain by supporting the load of the body’s weight in an upright position not only when it is stable, but also during movements. The muscles present in this region are strong and bulky having full-fledged capacity to undertake powerful movements whereas tendons are very much prone to injuries.

Hip Tendonitis Results in Inflammation and Pain.Hip tendonitis is a condition which results in inflammation, pain and degeneration in any of the tendons present in the hip area including groin, hip flexors, gluteal tendons, and hamstrings. Excessive tension resulting from high force or over repetition of activities may cause a severe damage to the tendons of the hip. Hip tendonitis is a state where there is damage along with subsequent degeneration and inflammation of single or multiple tendons of the hip. Hip tendonitis generally occurs because of the wear and tear related to overuse injuries such as in sports injuries, but it also can occur due to trauma as a result of some accident.[2]

Causes and Risk Factors of Hip Tendonitis

Hip Tendonitis in Cyclist

Hip tendonitis is generally caused by repetitive strain related to overuse. This generally happens in individuals performing heavy physical work that involves hip, which includes activities such as performing exercises that are beyond the capacity of the body’s tolerance. When an individual begins a new type of exercise or sport, the muscles and tendons may not be accustomed to the movements required and hence injury can occur. Similarly, increasing the duration and intensity of exercise may result in injury leading to Hip Tendonitis. Sudden progression in exercise without appropriate preparation may also cause hip tendonitis. Individuals who are engaged in sports such as cycling and running when associated with over straining also have the higher chances for developing hip tendonitis.[3]

Signs and Symptoms of Hip Tendonitis

Symptoms of Hip Tendonitis

  • One of the symptoms of Hip tendonitis is gradual development of pain around the hip joint without a particular incident.
  • Tenderness is felt when firmly touching the affected tendons of the hip.
  • Feeling discomfort while stretching the muscle of the affected hip tendon can be a sign and symptoms of hip tendonitis.
  • Another symptom of Hip Tendonitis is feeling of discomfort during contraction of the muscle of the affected hip tendon.
  • Hip Joint Stiffness is often experienced in the morning time and after rest.
  • Decrease in hip pain with activity, which may increase again after some time can also be a symptom of hip tendonitis.[4]

Treatment for Hip Tendonitis

Treatment for Hip Tendonitis

  • Rest is one of the best conservative treatment for hip tendonitis.
  • To effectively treat Hip Tendonitis, follow RICE protocol that is rest, ice, compression, and elevation.
  • Ice packs not only help in relieving pain associated with hip tendonitis but it also helps reduce inflammation.
  • Avoiding activities that aggravate the symptoms of hip tendonitis will help in early recovery.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen may also help in reducing inflammation associated with tendonitis of the hip joint.
  • Ultrasound therapy and sports massage may also be effective in treating hip tendonitis.
  • Eccentric strengthening is specifically important for rehabilitation of the tendon.
  • Finding and addressing the root cause of the injury.[5]

Prevention of Hip Tendonitis

  • Appropriate warm up before performing exercises or sports helps prevent injuries that can cause hip tendonitis.
  • Performing exercises that help in stretching the side, back and front of the thighs and hips are very effective in preventing injuries like hip tendonitis.
  • Extension of time or increase in intensity of exercises must be done gradually so that the body gets enough time to be prepared for the new activity level.
  • Starting new activities or sports gradually helps in preventing any damage to muscles and tendons of the hip joint.
  • Performing exercises on even ground and stable, safe equipment helps in avoiding hip injuries.
  • Wearing appropriate footwear while performing activities in order to keep the ankles and feet fully cushioned and supported can go a long way in preventing injuries like tendonitis of hip joint of any other joint for that matter.
  • Skip the exercises when sick or at least perform only mild level of exercises for avoiding any hip tendonitis.[6]

Exercises for Hip Tendonitis

Bridging Exercise for Hip Tendonitis:

Bridging exercise is helpful for hip tendonitis

Bridging exercise for early recovery from hip tendonitis is performed by lying down on the back by standing the legs with knees facing towards the ceiling and feet flat on the floor. Gradually raise the bottom by pushing it with the help of feet in order to bring the hip, shoulder and knee in a straight line by tightening the bottom muscles. Hold the position for about two seconds until a pain free stretch is felt. Repeat 10 times.[7]

Hip Extension in Lying Exercise for Hip Tendonitis:

Performing Lying Hip Extension helps with Hip Tendonitis

This exercise is performed by lying down on stomach. Now keep the knee straight and gradually raise the leg by tightening the gluteals. Hold the position for about two seconds and release. Perform 10 times. Performing lying hip extension exercise can help in early recovery from hip tendonitis.

Adductor Squeeze Exercise for Hip Tendonitis:

Learn How to do Adductor Squeeze Exercise, It Helps With Hip Tendonitis

This exercise is performed by lying down on the floor with the legs in standing position and knees facing the ceiling by placing a ball or a rolled towel in between the knees. Now gradually squeeze the ball or rolled towel in between the knees in order to tighten the adductors. Hold the position for about five seconds and release. Perform 10 times until a pain free stretch is felt.

Straight Leg Raise Exercise for Hip Tendonitis:

Learn How to do Lying Straight Leg Raise Exercise, It is Helpful For Hip Tendonitis

This exercise is performed by lying down straight on the floor in such a way that one leg should be straight and the other leg should be in a bent position. Gradually raise the straight leg to about 45 degrees in such a way that the toes and knee face towards the ceiling. Hold the position for about two seconds and release. Perform 10 times until a pain free stretch is felt.[8]

Watch 3D Video of Hip Tendonitis Exercises

Tests to Diagnose Hip Tendonitis

A medical history and thorough subjective, physical examination and movement tests are performed to diagnose hip tendonitis.

Other tests that help in assessing the severity and ruling out other potential causes and injuries may include:

  • X-ray.
  • MRI.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 1, 2022

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