Some risk factors for peripheral artery disease are more risky than others such as smoking can cause peripheral artery disease faster than obesity. Having multiple risk factors increases the chances of developing peripheral artery disease. In this section of the article you will learn about the recovery period for peripheral artery disease, prevention, coping, lifestyle changes, exercises, yoga for peripheral artery disease.
What is the Recovery Period/Healing Time for Peripheral Artery Disease?
The healing time/recovery period for peripheral artery disease depends on many factors, you specialist is the right person to consult regarding the recovery period. Peripheral artery disease is not curable however its symptoms can be controlled in an impeccable manner. It is extremely vital to listen to the advice of the doctor and follow the treatment plan religiously. Regular monitoring is bound to provide relief to the people. Change of lifestyle is extremely important to improve health. You can do exercise and yoga in an extensive manner to get long term benefits. One of the most important aspects of the exercise is that it would keep you healthy and physically active. Regular meditation would go a long way in delivering sterling results to the patients.
How to Prevent Peripheral Artery Disease?
In order to ensure a healthy lifestyle, one should adhere to the following measures to prevent peripheral artery disease:
- Stopping smoking is the best way to prevent peripheral artery disease.
- Blood sugar should be regulated in order to prevent peripheral artery disease.
- Exercise on a daily basis; however take the permission of the doctor.
- Monitor the blood cholesterol level.
- Avoid saturated fat diet.
- Do not become obese to prevent peripheral artery disease.
How to Cope with Peripheral Artery Disease?
Coping with peripheral artery disease is not easy. Follow the below simple tips to cope with peripheral artery disease:
- Peripheral artery disease patients would find exercise quite annoying because they are painful however slowly the inflammation would disappear. You can walk for a longer period of time and do not feel the pain.
- It is vital to increase the height of the bed in the head region so that adequate blood supply to the leg is assured. The patient of peripheral artery disease will feel immediate relief from the pain.
- During the winter season, wear warm clothes as the low temperature can aggravate the pain by many notches.
What are the Lifestyle Changes Recommended for Peripheral Artery Disease?
People should incorporate following lifestyle changes if they are suffering from peripheral artery disease:
- Smoking causes the clogging of the arteries over a period of time and is a dangerous habit. It can result in the occurrence of peripheral artery disease and should be controlled immediately. Smokers should try to leave smoking or take the advice of the doctor for rehabilitation or medication to quit the habit and it is a major lifestyle change which can aid in long run.
- Exercise is a key component of the lifestyle changes for the treatment of peripheral artery disease. The more you walk without pain, the better health would be from long term perspective. Exercises are extremely necessary for the body because they help to supply oxygen to the muscles. The patient can work closely with the doctor to develop a suitable plan for the exercise in order to get sustained relief from peripheral artery disease.
- Eat a healthy diet is another major lifestyle changes one should adopt. As far as the diet is concerned, one should consume saturated fat in copious amounts to lower the level of the cholesterol in the blood.
- Medicines containing pseudoephedrine that are used to treat the ailments such as a headache and sinuses should be avoided because they tend to worsen the symptoms of peripheral artery disease.
Another major lifestyle change for peripheral artery disease is careful foot care:
One of the most important steps in the treatment for peripheral artery disease is to monitor the health of the feet. People suffering from the clogging of the arteries or higher sugar level are vulnerable to the sores on the feet that may take a long time to heal. Constriction of the blood circulation is the primary culprit and enhances the clotting risk by many notches. You need to follow the below-mentioned lifestyle changes for caring of the feet.
- The feet should be kept moist so that cracks do not develop causing infection. Make sure that traces of water are not left between the toes or else they might lead to the spread of the fungus.
- Shoes should fit properly accompanied by thick socks.
- Fungal infection needs to be treated quickly and effectively.
- Nails need to be trimmed on a regular basis.
- Do not walk barefoot.
- Have a foot doctor (podiatrist) treat bunions, corns or calluses. A podiatrist should treat the ailments related to feet.
- In the case of a sore, immediately contact the doctor.
What is the Prognosis/Outlook for Peripheral Artery Disease?
Even though the prognosis is good for peripheral artery disease, it all depends on the patient. Peripheral artery disease is known to snowball into the heart attack or even mini stroke. If patients are careful and take precautions by changing lifestyle, they can slow down the progressive disease. Moreover with right kind of medications, it is possible to completely stop the spread of peripheral artery disease and lead a normal as well as healthy life. Smoking should be shunned as it can reduce complications. With the help of surgery, patients can eliminate infections.
What Diet is Suggested for Peripheral Artery Disease?
Diet plays a crucial role in managing peripheral artery disease. Fatty food tastes good but they contribute to the development of the plaque in the artery. It can result in the high level of cholesterol in the blood. Fat is divided into two categories namely saturated and unsaturated. One should not consume saturated fat as it contains harmful cholesterol. Foods consisting predominantly of saturated fat content are as follows and these should be avoided by the patients with peripheral artery disease:
- Meat pies.
- Sausages.
- Butter, accompanied by ghee.
- Lard along with cream and cheese.
- Sweet cakes topped up with biscuits.
- Fried food in coconut oil.
However, it is not healthy to completely stop having any kind of fat in your diet. It is important to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats, as they can facilitate in increasing ‘good cholesterol’ level and so reduce blockage in your arteries.
Sources of unsaturated fat for patients with peripheral artery disease are as follows:
- Tuna, salmon, mackerel along with avocados.
- Seeds, nuts, olive oil, sunflower oil.
Fibers could go a long way in improving the digestive system of the patients. Whole grain rice, bread along with fruits and vegetable decreases the cholesterol level in the blood to a great extent. Moreover, they are rich sources of vitamins to boost the immune system of the body. An individual should consume at least 80gm of fruits on a daily basis.
What are the Recommended Exercises for Peripheral Artery Disease?
Even if the individual is not suffering from the peripheral artery disease, it is necessary to do exercises till the point he or she gasps from breath. The following activities should be integral parts of the exercise for patients with peripheral artery disease.
Some people may find difficult to spend 150 minutes on exercise on a weekly basis. It can be due to lack of stamina and the pain in the legs. You can chart out an own course of exercise according to the comfort level. Starting with light exercises, you can increase the pace gradually over a period of time. It would definitely lead to enhancement of the fitness level, by many notches.
How Can Yoga Help in Treating Peripheral Artery Disease?
Peripheral artery disease can be controlled by yoga because it plays an important role in ensuring adequate blood supply to all parts of the body. Below are some of the yoga poses for peripheral artery disease which should be practiced only after complete recovery from peripheral artery disease:
- Padahastasana or bending forward in the standing position for peripheral artery disease is particularly useful in providing impeccable strength to the hamstrings as they are prone to strain.
- Bound Angle Pose or baddha konasana for peripheral artery disease exercises are especially useful for the hips and could also go a long way in strengthening the cardio muscles.
- Bridge pose or setu bandha sarvangasana for peripheral artery disease is crucial in providing energy and rejuvenating the whole body.
- Chair pose or utkatasana for peripheral artery disease not only enhances the arms and leg muscles but also the heart.
- Downward facing dog or adho mukha svanasana is a stretching exercise responsible for rejuvenating the body.
- Extended side angle pose or utthita parsvakonasana for peripheral artery disease is struck to extend the body right from the finger down to the toe.
- Extended triangle pose or utthita trikonasana for peripheral artery disease is considered as a standing pose and an extremely valuable exercise.
- Garland pose or malasana for peripheral artery disease is extremely beneficial; for the ankles along with the groin and the spinal cord.
- Legs up the wall pose or viparita karani for peripheral artery disease can provide pain relief by enhancing the blood circulation.
- Mountain pose or tadasana for peripheral artery disease provides basis template for all the standing poses. It plays a very important role in enhancing the posture.
- Staff pose or dandasana for peripheral artery disease is a difficult pose, however, appears easy to the naked eye.
- Tree pose or vrikshasana for peripheral artery disease shows how tough it is to create a balance with the help of a single leg.
You can practice the various yoga poses after getting relief from pain caused by peripheral artery disease. It is vital to relax after each pose for a period of 20 min. Well-deserved rest would increase the stamina by many notches. Prior to starting the yoga regime, consult the doctor and precede ahead as peer your comfort level.
Are There any Alternative Medicines for Peripheral Artery Disease?
Alternative medicine gingko goes a long way in contributing towards the thinning of the blood in peripheral artery disease. As a result, people can walk long distances without pain. The only drawback with the herbal medicine is that it causes bleeding when the dose is increased. Moreover combined with aspirin, the medicine may cause long term side effects or might prove fatal. Therefore, it is vital to consult a specialist before consuming the alternative option gingko.
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