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Cancer Information Center

10 Tests To Assess Your Cancer Risk

Cancer screening tests are done to look for the presence of cancer in healthy people or people without symptoms of cancer. Cancer screening tests...

Is Hairy Cell Leukemia B Cell Lymphoma?

Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a rare cancer of blood and bone marrow characterized by the abnormal production of B lymphocytes. B lymphocytes are...

Can Lichen Planus Turn Into Cancer?

Can Lichen Planus Turn into Cancer? We cannot say definitely that lichen planus (LP) turns into cancer, as there is not much evidence about that....

Can Hairy Cell Leukemia be Cured?

Hairy cell leukemia is a rare, slow growing blood cancer in which there is excessive production of immature and non-functional B lymphocytes. The condition...

Can Hairy Cell Leukemia Come Back?

Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a lymphoproliferative disorder that usually presents itself as hematologic (blood) cancer. This type of cancer usually starts growing in...

What Are Hairy Cell Leukemia’s Symptoms?

Hairy cell leukemia is a rare type of chronic lymphoid leukemia, which results in formation of excessive B lymphocytes by bone marrow cells. These...

Is Scleroderma A Form Of Cancer?

Systemic sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease in which there is an alteration of collagen (a set of proteins that support the organs and...

Can You Die From Hairy Cell Leukemia?

Hairy cell leukemia is a chronic form of leukemia that affects B-lymphocytes. Hairy cell leukemia is a slow growing lymphoma and is characteristic of...

What Is The Survival Rate For Hairy Cell Leukemia?

Leukemia is a cancer of blood and bone marrow, in which there is proliferation of white blood cells. Hairy cell leukemia is a rare...

What Is The Survival Rate For Lip Cancer?

Are you worried about that sore on your lip which just refuses to heal? Well, not all sores are cancers! When cells in our body...
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