Ways to Make Erectile Dysfunction Meds Work Better

Most men fail to respond to erectile dysfunction (ED) meds because they take them incorrectly. Studies conducted on a group of men who reported that their problem of Erectile Dysfunction persisted even after taking ED drugs like Viagra, Levitra and Cialis, showed that 69% of them were making certain errors when popping these erectile dysfunction meds. The researchers re-educated these men to help them understand the right way of using these medicines and how to make them work better. After attending this re-education program, 77% of these men started responding positively to the ED drugs. Thus, when using a prescription drug for erectile dysfunction, one should take some time out to learn how to correctly use these erectile dysfunction medications to get the most out of them.

Ways to Make Erectile Dysfunction Meds Work Better

Ways to Make Erectile Dysfunction Meds Work Better

The following measures can make erectile dysfunction meds work better:

Watch Your Meals When You Take Your Erectile Dysfunction Pill

Eating a big meal just after taking an erectile dysfunction drug is not a good idea. Swallowing a Viagra pill with a high-fat meal can make the ED drug take longer to work. Other erectile dysfunction drugs which one can take with or without food are Cialis, Stendra, Levitra and Staxyn. So this point should be born in mind in order to make the erectile dysfunction meds work better.

Choose the Erectile Dysfunction Drug Which Is Right For You

While most erectile dysfunction drugs work in similar ways, they differ in chemical compositions. The chemicals in an erectile dysfunction drug determine how they work, how much time they take to kick in, and the side effects they can have on the user. When seeking the right erectile dysfunction med for themselves, one must tell their doctor about any health problems they are suffering from and other medications which they are taking. This will help the doctor to find the ED med that can work best for the individual.

Let It Take It’s Time To Work

One needs to wait a while before expecting most erectile dysfunction drugs to start working. The length of waiting period is different for various erectile dysfunction meds. Levitra and Viagra take around 30 minutes to work and their effects last for nearly 4 hours after taking the pill. Cialis, on the other hand, should be taken at least 2 hours before having sex. The effects of this erectile dysfunction med may last for up to 36 hours post its intake.

Increase the Dose of Erectile Dysfunction Med Only Upon Doctor’s Advice

In case, the amount of erectile dysfunction meds one is having is not bringing about effective erection, then the dose of that particular erectile dysfunction medicine may need to be increased, so that it can work better. However, the patient should never increase the dose on their own and should always consult their doctor before doing so. The doctor can judge if taking a higher dose of ED med is advisable for them or not.

Go Slow and Take It Easy

One should not expect to get an erection right away after taking an erectile dysfunction med. ED meds increase the effects of a chemical called nitric oxide present in the body. Nitric oxide helps to relax the muscles in the penis and improve the blood flow, thereby helping to trigger an erection. For erectile dysfunction meds to work more effectively, one needs to be sexually aroused. They must remember that time is on their side and should avoid rushing into things. They should take their time and use all their senses to get into the mood first. This will also allow the erectile dysfunction meds to work more effectively.

ED Drugs with Nitrates are a Complete “NO”

To ensure their safety, one should tell their doctor about all of the medications they take. Patients having a cardiac condition and taking heart medicines called nitrates must never take erectile dysfunction medicines since the combination of both these medicines can cause a dangerous fall in the blood pressure.


Even if your erectile dysfunction meds are not helping you rise to the occasion, it does not mean that you are out of luck. Many men are not given enough information on how to use the ED meds in the right manner to make them work better. So, to ensure that your ED pills do their job right, make sure that you know all about these meds and the related do’s and don’ts well enough.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 16, 2018

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