HomeFace, Mouth and Throat Pain Information Center

Face, Mouth and Throat Pain Information Center

What is Throat Polyps: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis

What are Throat Polyps? Throat Polyps are benign growth of flesh that develops in the throat. These benign growths are usually found on the vocal...

What Causes Itchy Throat & How is it Treated?

What is Itchy Throat? Itchy Throat is an extremely irritating sensation that everybody has once in a while and makes you want to cough. It...

What is Black Mucus, Know its Causes and Remedies?

What is Black Mucus? The lining of the respiratory system is protected with a layer of mucus which can be found starting right from the...

Risks Involved in Tonsillectomy & When is it Necessary?

What is Tonsillectomy? Among kids, throat infections are quite common which leads to problems in a massive way. Tonsillectomies among children are carried out to...

What is Vocal Fatigue, Know its Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Vocal Fatigue? Vocal Fatigue is a condition in which there is a fatiguing of the vocal cords which produce voice. This condition is...

10 Bad Habits That Cause Plaque On Teeth

Many habits that people commonly have, are attributed to bad breath as well as plaque formation on the teeth. Some of these habits are...

Foods, Fruits and Drinks That Stain Teeth

Each one of us loves to have bright and white smile. In fact, white and stainless teeth help in enhancing our physical appearance and...

How to Get Good Breath?

Bad breath is a common problem faced by many people. There are many causes of bad breath, it can be due to bad food,...

Angular Cheilitis or Cracked Corners of the Mouth : Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Angular Cheilitis or Cracked Corners of the Mouth? Angular Cheilitis is pathological skin condition in which the corners of the mouth become cracked...

Is Pharyngitis Contagious & How Long Does it Last?

The inflammation of pharynx is known as Pharyngitis. Pharynx is present in the back of the throat. Pharyngitis is most commonly known as "Sore...
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