HomeFace, Mouth and Throat Pain Information Center

Face, Mouth and Throat Pain Information Center

What is Diplegia & How is it Treated?|Causes, Symptoms, Prognosis of Diplegia

What Is Diplegia? Diplegia is a pathological condition, which in medical terms is referred to as symmetrical paralysis, characterized by paralysis of the arms or...

8 Effective Ways to Treat Blocked Nose

Have you faced awkwardness due to the stuffy nose? When your nose is blocked, breathing can be difficult for you. Cold, allergies and changes...

Why I Am Waking Up With Dry Sore Throat Every Morning?: Causes, Home Remedies

Everybody wishes to wake up rested and refreshed after a good night’s sleep. But sometimes, this does not happen when our throat becomes troubled...

What Causes Smelly Mucus In Nose & Remedies To Get Rid Of It?

Smelly mucus in the nose is not a rare condition as many people complain of foul odor in their nose. Sinus infection is the...

What is Vocal Fold Scar: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis

What Is Vocal Fold Scar? A Vocal Fold Scar is a pathological condition caused as a result of damage to the tissues of the vocal...

Functions Of Uvula & Side Effects Of Uvula Removal

About Uvula Uvula is the dangly bit of flesh that hangs at the back of the throat and helps in preventing the food from entering...

Mouth Taping For Treating Snoring & Dry Mouth

Snoring not only represent holistic health risks to an individual, but also the irritating noise at night can create conflict in a relationship. There...

Can You Get Pneumonia from a Sinus Infection?

The skull has many air-filled cavities inside the bones and these cavities are known as the sinus. When these sinuses are infected or irritated...

Function of Nasal Turbinates & Should You Opt For Turbinate Reduction Surgery?

What Are Nasal Turbinates & What Are Its Functions? Nasal Turbinates, which also is referred to as the Nasal Concha, are vital structures present in...

Tight Jaw Muscles: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies

A headache or a sore throat is a known condition that can cause us discomfort. There are many conditions that can cause discomfort or...
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