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How Long Does Puberty Acne Last?

An individual, especially a child, displays several symptoms during the transition period from preteen to teen and then to adult. Of the many changes, the common occurrence and that is sure to create embarrassment is puberty acne.

Puberty acne is a skin ailment produced due to excessive secretion of oil called as sebum. The oil glands are inactive during the preteen days. However, during the transition phase, the body produces hormones called as androgens, which activates these glands and help in the production of the oil. The oil secreted by the glands helps in removing the dead skin cells produced by the skin that reside in the pores.

How Long Does Puberty Acne Last?

How Long Does Puberty Acne Last?

Puberty acne does not last forever in a teenager. However, there are instances where people, including adults in the age group of 50 to 60 still have acne. Although the sole reason is due to excessive production of oil, other reasons too could be helping in alleviating the cause. Therefore, it is uncertain to tell exactly the period for which the puberty acne lasts in a teenager.

The longevity of the puberty acne also changes from one teenager to another. A few experience it for a short period, while others have it for a long time. The base is according to the skin condition as well as the functioning of the androgen hormones.

The triggering factor for puberty acne in a teenager is the transition period during which the androgen hormones produce sebum. When the secretion of the oil content is above the standard values, symptoms include pimples, cysts, nodules, whiteheads, and blackheads appear. The occurrence is normal, and one need not worry about its presence. However, one should be careful enough not to aggravate it, which may lead to serious situations because the illness leaves behind a permanent scar.

What is the Best Way to Deal With Puberty Acne?

A better way to treat puberty acne is by understanding the androgen hormones. As they are producing more oil than the body requires, you will have to find ways that will assist in reducing the quantity. These methods include natural ways such as changes to lifestyle and food habits, and through treatment using prescription medicines. The later option is useful for teenagers who are experiencing the issue for an extended period of time along with pain.

Another way to curb puberty acne is by stopping picking or popping them when they appear. You will be worsening the situation if you tend to do so, as you will be helping in spreading the bacteria that is causing the whiteheads or blackheads. In a few cases, they leave behind a permanent scar.

How to Cope with Puberty Acne?

Teenagers often feel frightened at the first sight of puberty acne on their face. However, a simple explanation by parents or consulting a doctor will help them understand the situation rather than feel embarrassed and stress. Feeling stressed also increases puberty acne, making it further difficult to treat it in the right manner.

The occurrence of puberty acne is natural. Therefore, there is no need to feel shy, as everyone has been through it, and coped up with it easily with simple changes. All you ought to do is find the solution that suits your child’s situation. As they differ from one to another, talking with a doctor is helpful. The doctor will consider the use of natural methods, over-the-counter products, or prescribed medications. Most of the products contain benzoyl peroxide as the ingredient, which is helpful in curbing the production of oil by the androgen hormones.


  1. Mayo Clinic. “Acne.” https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/acne/symptoms-causes/syc-20368047
  2. MedicalNewsToday. “Teen acne: Symptoms, causes, and treatments.” https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319648

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 22, 2023

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