Lower Leg Injuries

What is Fibula Stress Fracture: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Diagnosis

What is Fibula Stress Fracture? There are 2 bones in the lower leg, tibia and fibula. Fibula is an elongated bone located on the external...

Tibial Stress Fracture: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Lower leg comprises of 2 bones, tibia and fibula. Tibia is also known as the shin bone. The main function of tibia is weight-bearing....

Lower Leg Contusion: Symptoms, Treatment, Stretching, Strengthening Exercises, Sports Massage

A contusion is a condition in which the tissues are injured causing pain and purplish or bluish discoloration of the skin, which is known...

Tibial Growth Plate Fracture: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment- MRI, Surgery

The growth plate, also known as the epiphyseal plate, is a hyaline cartilage plate present at the each end of a long bone. This...

Lateral Compartment Syndrome: Acute, Chronic- Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

The lateral compartment of the lower leg comprises of the peroneus, brevis and peroneus longus muscles. A compartment syndrome is a condition where the...

Achilles Tendon Rupture: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Rehabilitation, Sports Massage

The Achilles tendon, also known as the calcaneal tendon, is a large strip of fibrous tissue located at the posterior side of the ankle....

Calf Pain or Calf Muscle Pain: Causes, Diagnosis, Investigations, Treatment, PT

Calf pain is caused by muscle pull, tear and sprain. Calf muscle consists of gastrocnemius and soleus muscle. Calf pain or Calf muscle pain...

Tibialis Anterior Tendon Sheath Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

The large muscle that travels down the external area of the shin to the ankle is known as the tibialis anterior muscle. This muscle...

Tight Calf Muscles: Causes, Treatment- Stretching Exercises, Gastrocnemius, Soleus

Tight calf muscles are a problem, which athletes and in particular runners suffer from frequently. The calf muscle group comprises of the gastrocnemius muscle...

Tennis Leg or Medial Gastrocnemius Strain: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Tennis leg, also known as medial gastrocnemius strain, is a condition where the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle gets torn causing lot of...
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