Lower Leg Injuries

Peroneus Tertius Strain: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery

What is Peroneus Tertius Muscle and What is its Function? The Peroneus Tertius Muscle is also known by the name of Fibularis tertius Muscle. This...

Soleus Muscle Strain: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Soleus Muscle and What is its Function? Soleus muscle is also known as calf muscle. The muscle lies on back of the leg....

Tibialis Anterior Muscle Strain: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Tibialis Anterior Muscle and What is its Function? The Tibialis Anterior Muscle is located on the anterior compartment of the leg. Anterior compartment...

Flexor Digitorum Longus Pain: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Flexor Digitorum Longus Muscle and What is its Function? The location of the Flexor Digitorum Longus Muscle is on the inner part of...

What Causes Calf Cramps & How to Get Rid of it?

Have you met with calf cramps anytime? Usually calf muscle cramps is experienced while running, biking, swimming or even during sleeping at night sometimes. They...

What Should You do After Getting a Turf Burn?

Turf burn is quite a common sports injury sustained by athletes or sportsperson who play football or soccer. Motorcycle accidents also cause turn burn injury. Friction...

Causes of Swollen Calf Muscles After Walking & Its Home Remedies

Calf muscles are the muscles located at the back side of the legs from the area right behind the knees and reaching the ankles....

Closed Tibia or Fibula Fracture: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Recovery

What is Tibia or Fibula Fracture? Fracture is the term given to a broken bone. Any bone in our body can break or get fractured....

Causes, Symptoms of Bump on Shin Bone & its Natural Remedies

Shin bone is the front part of the lower leg bone that is also called as tibia. This bone is indeed a very strong...

Causes of Leg Cramps While Swimming & Ways to Deal With it?

A severe muscle cramp can bring even the toughest individuals to their knees. Cramping is a development of involuntary and sudden contraction of muscles....
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