Exercises for Trendelenburg Gait or Hip Drop

What is Trendelenburg Gait or Hip Drop?

Trendelenburg Gait or Hip drop is actually a deficiency or weakness in hip abductor muscles of the lower extremities. In this medical condition, the patient swings the body to one side to compensate the other side.

The following are the best exercises for Trendelenburg Gait or Hip Drop:

Single Leg Squat Exercise for Trendelenburg Gait or Hip Drop

The single leg squat exercise can be done by standing on a box. The first step is to stand on one leg raising another leg forward approximately to around 30 degrees. Now, start the squat motion with the leg on the box causing the hip to hinge and knee to bend. Bend the knee until you can maintain proper posture. Stay in this position for a few seconds as tolerated. Repeat this for 10 times and increase as tolerated.

Leg Lift Exercise for Trendelenburg Gait or Hip Drop:

The first step to do Leg Lift Exercise for Trendelenburg Gait or Hip Drop is to stand on exercise mat with legs together with both the hands on your waist bending at elbows. Now, simply raise the non-weight bearing leg side wards and practice balance. Apart from gaining balance, you will also strengthen the core muscles and prevent the problem of Hip drops.

Single Leg Balance Drills Exercise

The beginning step is to stand on your both legs together. Now, raise one leg at a time as much as possible bending at the knees and try to practice single leg balancing. Then, put back the raised leg on the ground. Similarly, do this with the other leg alternatively. Repeat this 15 to 20 times or as tolerated.

Tree Pose Yoga or Vrikshasana for Trendelenburg Gait or Hip Drop

The initial step to do this yoga is to stand on your both legs together. Now, fold your hands in front of the chest with both your palms touching each other. Next, raise one leg folding at the knee and put on the knee of the other leg touching with sole of the raised foot. This yoga is a great exercise to strengthen the hips and improve the balance.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 29, 2019

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