

What are the Effects of Increasing Age on Your Sex Life?

Effect of age could be perceived differently by different adults. For some adults a satisfying and active sexual life is of vital importance for...

Safety Guide for Using Essential Oils on Babies

Safety Guide for Using Essential Oils on Babies Essential oils are basically concentrated form of natural plant fragrances. These oils have been hailed for their...

How Your Sleep Position Affects Your Health?

In this fast paced modern world in which almost everyone is a workaholic to some degree; the fact that we can get a decent...

Dos & Don’ts For Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is the most serious type of heat injury and is regarded as a medical emergency. When someone is suspected of having sunstroke,...

Worst Things To Do When You’re Fatigued

Not getting enough sleep at the right time of the day is one of the main reasons that leaves you fatigued throughout the day....

7 Things That Affect Your Memory Positively

We are all aware of the perks of having a sharp memory. From academic achievement to even our day to day to interactions, memory...

Can Having Too Much Meat Can Be Harmful To Your Health?

Can Having Too Much Meat Can Be Harmful To Your Health? Consuming meat is not necessarily bad for you. However, it depends more on the...

Are You taking Risk by using Botox Injection?

Botox, essentially a toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, is today used widely all over the world. From celebrities to your average Joe,...

Why is Blue Light Keeping me Awake?

Sleep is the main foundation of our health. It is equally as important as a healthy diet and exercise. However, we often tend to...

10 Wonderful Benefits Of Almond Oil For Skin

Almond oil has numerous skin benefits due to various minerals, vitamins, zinc, potassium, proteins, vitamin E and monounsaturated fatty acids present in it. From...
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