

Impact of Sedentary Desk Jobs on Posture and Consequences

"Human body was never created for a sedentary lifestyle. It was created to move!" If you have a job with you that requires sitting...

Alcohol Detoxification Program

People, who have a dependency on alcohol consumption or otherwise known as the heavy drinkers, always need to detoxify their bodies in order to...

Diets that are Anti-Aging

Radiant and flawless skin is the desire of almost every single human being. However, aging is an unavoidable phenomenon that you cannot control. But...

Ways to Prevent Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is a very commonly heard disease that occurs as Candida Albicans, a common type of yeast as well as other types of...

Shine Your Teeth Naturally: Use Baking Soda for Brushing Teeth!

"A brilliant smile radiates confidence!" And a smile holding red lips and white teeth is one of the best gift you can have for...

14 Strategies To Deal With Stress After A Long Work Day

It can be quoted as a bad sign if your job is giving you some post work stress or workday stress that compels you...

Natural Treatments & Lifestyle Changes for Insomnia That Really Works

Before you go to any local drug store to purchase over-the-counter (OTC) sleep medicines for insomnia, it is recommended to try some natural ways...

Home Remedies For Whitening Of Teeth With Braces

"Everyone wants to have a smile that shines white!" Teeth whitening can be much easier when followed some essential home remedies like taking the...

13 Orthopedic Tests For Hip And Pelvis

Trendelenburg Sign Trendelenburg's sign is named after Friedrich Trendelenburg who was a German surgeon. This sign is positive in individuals whose abductor muscles of the...

Overhydration: Dangers of Drinking Excess Water, Signs, Treatment, Prevention

"The excess of pleasure is pain!" Have you heard this quote from Almeida Garret? Yes! It tells about how dangerous it can be to...
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