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Fitness and Exercise

7 Ways To Correct Arched Back

Arched back, also known as Hyperlordosis, is a condition where there is an excessive curvature in the lower back. There are several ways to...

9 Weak Knee Strengthening Exercises

Strong knees are important for staying active and performing simple functions like squatting, sitting down or running. Knees consist of bones, muscles, ligaments, cartilage...

3 Exercises For Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

About Ulnar Nerve Entrapment & Its Causes: The Ulnar Nerve originates at the brachial plexus and traverses down from the neck to the medial side...

Is It Good To Exercise When You Are Sick?

Exercising regularly is the best way to ensure you remain healthy. In fact, working out regularly is known to have many benefits such as...

Trapezius Stretches: 5 Best Exercises To Stretch The Traps

Why Is Trapezius Muscle Important For Us? The Trapezius muscle is a vital part of the shoulder girdle. This muscle is responsible for movement and...

6 Exercises That Are Good For Arthritic Knees

Arthritis is very common painful joint condition across the globe. The commonest forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Both types...

Shoulder Injuries From Lifting Weights

Lifting weights is not easy. Weightlifters meet with several kinds of injuries while lifting weights every day. One of the most common forms of...

Can Exercise Reduce Fatty Liver?

How Fats Are Accumulated In Liver? The accumulation of fat in the liver among individuals who avoid alcohol is an emerging problem. The release of...

Ways to Relieve Muscle Soreness after Exercising

Before we discuss the ways to relieve muscle soreness, it is important to understand why we get sore muscles. When you do an intensive...

Can Doing Planks Help Flatten Your Stomach?

Having a flat stomach is a dream for many of us. We try a lot of ways to get a flat toned stomach. Out...
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