Ankle Injuries

What is Inflamed Achilles Tendon & How is it Treated?

What is Inflamed Achilles Tendon? The Achilles tendon is an extremely important structure of the body. This tendon joins the calf muscle to the heel...

Can You Walk with a Partially Torn Achilles Tendon? Overview and Implications

Topic Overview Achilles tendon injury is a common condition and can happen to anyone whether it is an athlete, dancer, or even non-athletes. An individual...

How Does Peroneal Tendon Dislocation Feel Like?

What Do We Mean By Peroneal Tendon Dislocation? The peroneal tendons are located on the outer portion of the lower leg. These tendons are enclosed...

How Do You Know You Have Rolled Your Ankle & How Long Does A Rolled Ankle Take To Heal?

You have injured your ankle and you are unable to put on weight on it, its bruised, tender and swollen. How do you now...

Posterior Malleolus Fracture: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery Time, Complications

Ankle fractures are common as they are prone to twisting and pressure due to body weight. (1, 2) The specific part of the ankle that...
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