HomeTests and Procedures

Tests and Procedures

How Long Does It Take To Get Over Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

How Long Does It Take To Get Over Breast Reconstruction Surgery? Breast reconstruction surgery may take around 6 to 8 weeks of time for complete...

How Much Does It Cost To Have Your Breasts Removed?

Breast removal or mastectomy is typically done in case of a presence of a tumor which may be cancerous. The essential costs that need...

Why is Mastectomy Required as a Part of Breast Cancer Treatment & Is Chemotherapy Necessary After A Mastectomy?

Why is Mastectomy Required as a Part of Breast Cancer Treatment? Mastectomy is a surgical procedure required to treat patients with breast cancer. This involves...

What is A Breast Flap?|How is Breast Flap Surgery Done?|Various Types of Breast Flaps

What is A Breast Flap? A breast flap is a flap of skin taken from other body part of the patient to rebuild the shape...

What are the Side Effects of Surgery for Breast Cancer?

What are the Side Effects of Surgery for Breast Cancer? The surgery for treating breast cancer may be varied because the types of surgery for...

How Do They Do Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

How Do They Do Breast Reconstruction Surgery? The breast reconstruction surgery is a major surgery and involves some intricate techniques and steps for its success....

What Is The Recovery Time For Breast Cancer Surgery?

What Is The Recovery Time For Breast Cancer Surgery? The recovery time for breast cancer surgery depends on the type of surgery the patient has...

What Percentage of Blockage Requires a Stent & What Are its Benefits?

Whenever coronary arteries of patients become narrow, they fail to supply adequate amount of oxygen rich blood to the heart. This inadequate blood supply...

How Long Does A Bypass Graft Last?

CABG is the abbreviated form of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and it is a type of surgery which intends to bring improvements in the...

Bunionectomy Procedure: How is Bunion Removal Surgery Done & What is the Recovery Period?

What is a Bunion? A bunion is a bony protrusion, which develops at the base of the big toe and connects with the first metatarsal...
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