

Normal Blood Oxygen Levels: What Is Safe & What Is Low?

What is Meant by Blood Oxygen Level? The quantity or level of oxygen that is circulating in the blood is known as Blood Oxygen Level(1)....

What Happens If Hypervitaminosis D Is Not Treated, Know its Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

What is Hypervitaminosis D? Hypervitaminosis D is a rare medical condition that develops when a person takes excessive vitamin D in form of high dose...

What Happens When A Fly Lands On Food?

Once the fly picks germs it can easily spread it. The bacteria and viruses can easily stick to the fly’s body and the tiny...

6 Health Reasons To Avoid Sleeping On Couch

It can be very difficult to sleep on a couch as they are not designed for that. Often to grab a little nap in the...

7 Ways To Maintain Health And Wellness While Working From Home

Many people work from home and the number has increased since the coronavirus pandemic(1). Being productive while working from home requires a lot more effort....

Reasons For Feeling Thirsty All The Time

Thirst is a signal given by the body for the need of water to function properly. Sometimes in spite of drinking enough water, the body...

What is Adolescent Medicine & The Need of Adolescent Medicine

While we often hear the term adolescent being used widely today, very few people are actually aware of what the term exactly means. Adolescence is...

Proctologist: What Are The Conditions Treated By A Proctologist & What Are The Procedures Done By Them?

Who is a Proctologist? Proctologists are the medical health professionals who treat disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, rectum, and anus.(1) What Are The Conditions Treated By...

Sources of Household Air Pollution & its Health Effects, Strategies to Deal With it, Risks

About Household Air Pollution: Around 3 billion people in the world use the traditional methods of cooking, i.e., burning solid fuels (wood, crop wastes, charcoal,...

Effect of Aging On Your Cells, Organs, Heart, Bones, Muscles, Joints, Eyes, Ears

Everyone has at some point or the other thought about what all is going to happen as you age. What is considered to be...
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