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Cancer Information Center

What Is The Survival Rate Of Liposarcoma?

Liposarcoma is a rare type of cancer of connective tissues that arise from abnormal fat cells of deep soft tissues. It usually occurs in...

What Are The Symptoms Of Liposarcoma?

Liposarcoma is a rare cancer of connective tissue which is characterized by abnormal proliferation of fat cells into deep soft tissues. It can occur...

What is High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Procedure or HIFU Procedure, How Does it Work, Its Side Effects

What Is High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Procedure or HIFU Procedure? Many cancer patients are asked to undergo High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Procedure or HIFU Procedure by the...

Can You Still Get Ovarian Cancer After Hysterectomy?

Can You Still Get Ovarian Cancer After Hysterectomy? Yes, it is possible to develop ovarian cancer after hysterectomy. What are the Types of Hysterectomies? The hysterectomies are...

Can MRI Detect Liposarcoma?

Liposarcoma is a rare malignant cancer of connective tissues that arise from abnormal proliferation of fat cells into deep soft tissues. It usually develops...

Can Liposarcoma Be Mistaken For Lipoma?

Liposarcoma is a rare cancerous disease of connective tissues that is characterized by abnormal proliferation of fat cells into the deep soft tissues of...

Is Liposarcoma Life Threatening?

Liposarcoma is a rare cancer of connective tissues that is characterized by abnormal deposition of fat cells in soft tissues of the body. It...

Are Cancerous Lymph Nodes Painful?

Lymph nodes are an important part of the body’s immune system. These tissues are of huge importance in preventing the body from any infections...

Is Lymph Node Cancer Curable?

Lymph nodes are a part of our lymphatic system, along with the spleen, thymus gland and the bone marrow. Lymphatic system runs extensively throughout...

What Are The Signs That You Have Cancerous Lymph Node?

What Are The Signs That You Have Cancerous Lymph Node? Some signs and symptoms can be specifically noted in order to see whether the lymph...
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