How is Bubbling Feeling in Chest Described?
Bubbling Feeling in Chest can be described as a sensation in the chest or the upper abdominal area of a bubble moving around or bursting in the area. It is more of a discomfort rather than actual pain in the chest or the upper abdominal area. Now, the question as to why does this happen? The answer to this is there may be several reasons for this sensation including something as common as a gas to something more complicated like an atrial fibrillation or a collapsed lung. Below in the article, we have discussed different causes of a Bubbling Feeling in the Chest and how to get rid of them.
What Causes Bubbling Feeling in Chest?
Bubbling Feeling in Chest Caused Due to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: GERD or gastric reflux is quite a common cause for a bubbling feeling in chest. This sensation may be accompanied with heartburn. This condition is caused due to the esophageal sphincter not closing as it normally should after the food enters the stomach resulting in regurgitation of stomach acids in the esophagus causing the heartburn and the bubbling feeling in the chest. Antacids are quite helpful in relieving this sensation. A consult with a GI physician is helpful who will provide medications and recommend foods not to eat till the conditions resolve.
Bubbling Feeling in Chest Caused Due to Dyspepsia: This is also quite a common cause of bubbling feeling in chest. If the individual is suffering from dyspepsia then the accompanying symptoms may be abdominal discomfort or pain, nausea, vomiting, frequent belching and a bubbling feel in chest etc. Consulting with a physician and taking medications generally helps get rid of this condition. Avoiding fatty and spicy foods also helps to get rid of dyspepsia which can cause bubbling feeling in chest.
Bubbling Feeling in Chest Caused Due to Gallbladder Inflammation: Also called as cholecystitis, this condition is also known to cause Bubbling Feeling in Chest. Accompanying symptoms may include dyspepsia, fever, nausea, vomiting. The chest pain experienced due to cholecystitis tends to increase with deep breathing. This condition requires attention by a specialist who will formulate a treatment plan to treat it.
Pleural Effusion: This is a condition in which there is a buildup of fluid in the lungs. Pleural effusion is also known to cause bubbling feeling in chest. There can be numerous causes for development of pleural effusion. This condition is normally asymptomatic but as the fluid buildup increases it may result in shortness of breath, persistent cough and chest pain with breathing. If pleural effusion is suspected to be the cause of bubbling feeling in chest then emergent evaluation by a physician is recommended for appropriate treatment.
Irregular Heartbeat: This is somewhat of a serious medical condition which may also cause bubbling feeling in chest. An irregular heartbeat or atrial fibrillation is caused when the upper chambers of the heart known as the atria start to beat irregularly. Accompanying symptoms may include shortness of breath, palpitations, and weakness. These fibrillations may be episodic but close followup and treatment is recommended as these fibrillations can result in formation of clots in the heart which may be potentially dangerous. A prompt visit to a cardiologist is recommended for prompt treatment of this condition.
Collapsed Lungs: Lung collapse is also one of the reasons for bubbling feeling in the chest. Collapsed lung is caused mainly due to an acute trauma to the chest such as being in a motor vehicle crash or an assault with severe puncture wounds to the chest. Rib fractures can also result in collapsed lungs. Certain medical conditions like lung cancer also tends to result in collapsed lungs.
Asthma: This condition can also be responsible for bubbling feeling in the chest. Accompanying symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, wheezing. Bubbling feeling in the chest is perhaps the most minor symptom of an asthma attack. You need to consult with your physician for recommended treatment for asthma and know ways to prevent asthma attacks.