HomeFace, Mouth and Throat Pain Information Center

Face, Mouth and Throat Pain Information Center

Are Sinus Polyps Dangerous & Can They Turn Into Cancer?

Sinus polyps are fleshy painless swellings that develop on the lining of the nasal passages also called sinuses. They become abnormal and develop swollen...

Who Is At Risk For Nasopharyngeal Cancer & Is There A Blood Test For It?

Nasopharyngeal cancer and other head and neck cancer show an extensive ethnic difference in varied parts of the world. Nasopharyngeal cancer, also known as...

Is Nasopharyngeal Cancer Hereditary & Can It Be Painful?

Nasopharyngeal cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the cells of the nasopharynx. In a nutshell, it is a type of cancer...

How To Get Rid Of The Cigarette Breath?

Cigarette contains a lot of ingredients which when burned release various chemicals, which can lead to health issues including cancer. Also, cigarette smoke leads...

What is Eagle Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Eagle Syndrome? Eagle Syndrome is a rare medical condition characterized by a dull ache and pain in the throat and the face. This...

What is Gingivostomatitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis

What is Gingivostomatitis? Gingivostomatitis is an extremely contagious infection that occurs in the mouth characterized by development of blisters and sores that are quite painful....

Bifid Uvula: Causes, Treatment, Complications

What is Bifid Uvula? A Bifid Uvula is a pathological condition in which there is a division or a split in the uvula. The uvula...

Recognizing and Treating A Nasal Staph Infection

A staph infection is a bacterial infection, caused by the Staphylococcus bacteria. In fact, nearly 25 percent of all people normally are carriers of...

What Causes Infections in the Holes in Tonsils & How is it Treated?

What are Holes in Tonsils? Holes in Tonsils are medically termed as Tonsillar Crypts. These are absolutely normal and are a part of the anatomy...

What Causes White Spots On The Tonsils & How To Manage It?

White Spots On The Tonsils Tonsils are the first body part that is examined whenever a person complains of a sore throat. The tonsils form...
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