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How long Will It Take To Recover From Neurofibromas & How Long Do The Symptoms Last?

Neurofibroma refers to a type of peripheral nerve tumors, that arises in the nerves. It appears in the form of soft lumps or bumps on or under the skin. These can form anywhere in the body. it may at times, develop from a cluster of nerves, known as plexiform neurofibroma. These are usually non-cancerous or benign. However, rarely, it can become malignant or cancerous.(1)

How long Will It Take To Recover From Neurofibromas & How Long Do The Symptoms Last?

After a surgical removal or the neurofibroma, you will be kept in the recovery room for observation. After you regain consciousness and your vitals come to normal, you will be shifted to a room. Usually, you will need to stay for 1-3 days in the hospital. However, this time frame may change depending upon the uniqueness of your condition. You will be prescribed a pain killer and will be sent home with prescription medications or over the counter pain relievers.(2)

Complete recovery from neurofibroma thereafter will take anywhere from three to eight weeks.(2)

During the initial weeks, say week one to three, you will experience the following-

After you get back home, you may feel unusually tired and would probably want only to relax. Rest is what your body would need after the surgery. Pressing your body with unnecessary strain will only help in prolonged healing and incomplete recovery of the site of surgery. You should not be straining too much energized and it is better if you have a house-help for a few weeks after surgery. Your ultimate focus should be on resting and recovering.(2)

Eating a balanced diet will help you get all the nutrients that you need and keep you energized in those first few weeks after the surgery. Protein, especially, is required to heal and repair the damaged tissues.(2)

If you smoke, it is advisable to quit smoking. Smoking is known to obstruct healing and may even prevent it altogether.(2)

About two weeks later, you may feel more like yourself and would like to get back to your normal routine. However, it is advisable to heed your doctor’s advice and do accordingly. Though you may seem to feel energized and strong, there is still a lot of healing going on in your body.(2)

During this time, there may be a need to follow up with your doctor regarding your healing and progress. He may advise you to get a scan to check on your internal structures and make sure nothing is causing further damage. He will also want to check the site of the surgery from where the tumor was removed, to see if it is coming together alright.(2)

Through the next few weeks, you will start feeling stronger and the site of surgery will not be as bothersome as it was in the initial days. Two weeks thereafter, you may be able to get back to your energized if it does not involve a lot of stress. Even so, you need to get up and around regularly, to avoid any stiffness in muscles and joints.
If your job demands more of strenuous work, you may need to wait for about six weeks to get back to your job.(2)

Continued monitoring may be required depending upon your condition, which may include physical, and occupational therapy sessions, regular follow-ups with your doctor and imaging tests, to look out for any unwanted changes in your internal structures.(2)


The complete recovery from a neurofibroma may require somewhere between three to eight weeks. However, a regular follow up with your doctor and taking any tests and procedures that he may advise, is of importance in order to prevent any further damage and detect any complications early, so that prompt action can be taken.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 22, 2019

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