Can You Get A Blood Clot or Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) From Rubbing A Bruise – Picture

    Can You Get A Blood Clot or Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) From Rubbing A Bruise?
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    Blood clot is something which will always form whenever there is a wound or break in a skin. If a blood clot does not form, then the individual can lose his or her life due to excessive bleeding. In the case of a bruise, a blood clot forms outside the vessels, under the skin and stops the bleeding and thus plays an important part in the healing process after an injury. Coming to the question of whether rubbing on the bruise can cause a deep venous thrombosis or a blood clot, then the answer is rubbing on the wound cannot cause a deep venous thrombosis (DVT), but the actual injury which caused the bruise may definitely cause a DVT.

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