Can You Still Get Pregnant With Mittelschmerz?

Mittelschmerz is known as ovulation pain that a woman will experience during the mid-cycle or in the middle of your menstrual cycle. The pain experienced can range from mild to moderate to severe. It is a sign of ovulation and is an indicator of peak time of fertility and can be useful for a couple who are trying to conceive. The period of five days before ovulation are considered to be most fertile and hence more chances of getting pregnant. Since the duration of cycle varies every month the Mittelschmerz cannot be taken as a definite sign of ovulation.

Can You Still Get Pregnant With Mittelschmerz?

Can You Still Get Pregnant With Mittelschmerz?

The ovulation pain starts 2-3 days before the release of the egg. Since ovulation marks the fertility period, it is most favorable time to get pregnant. Mittelschmerz does not have an effect on pregnancy and under favorable conditions it is possible to get pregnant even with Mittelschmerz. The egg released from the ovary usually survives for 12-24 hours and it takes almost a week’s time to reach the fallopian tube and fertilization of egg during this time ensures pregnancy. The other favorable signs of ovulation include cervical mucus changes, increase in basal body temperature, breast tenderness, increased sexual desire, positive test on an ovulation predictor test and fertile cervical position. All these changes can help detect the fertility period for a woman.

Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis region can be an indicator of some underlying disease and condition and it should be properly assessed. Presence of ovarian cysts, endometriosis of ovaries and scar tissue formation in the pelvic area due to previously transmitted sexual diseases or any abdominal or pelvic surgery might also cause ovulation pain.

The type of Mittelschmerz experienced can be either pre-ovulation, pain at ovulation and pain after ovulation. Pre-ovulation pain is caused by growth of ovarian follicles that contain the eggs during the menstrual cycle. When these eggs mature and ovarian follicles fill with fluid, they exert pressure on the pelvic area causing pain and discomfort. When the egg matures early and follicle grows faster, then it can lead to increased pain nearing ovulation. It can also lead to bloating of the abdomen and cramps that will increase during the time of ovulation.

The pain experienced at the time of ovulation is mainly caused due to rupture of follicle. The intensity of the pain will increase when the egg will burst out of the follicle. Some women experience mild pain while some have intense pain that might last for a few minutes to a few hours. If the Mittelschmerz occurs suddenly and then goes away soon after, it could be a sign of ovulation and fertility. Pain that is caused from blood and fluid leaking from the follicle is generally very severe and unbearable to the woman and might need pain relieving medicines. The more the fluid leaks the severe the bleeding and pain. It might require surgery to drain the leakage of blood into the pelvic cavity and repair the ovulatory site along with the ovary that is affected.

Mittelschmerz pain after ovulation lasts longer usually for a couple of days and in some cases this pain and discomfort might persist for weeks and sometimes even until the next cycle or periods begins. The symptoms can go away when the ovary stops functioning and the blood and fluid that has leaked has been reabsorbed from the cavity of the pelvic region. The abdominal cramps experienced are a result of contractions that occur in the fallopian tube as the egg passes through it while traveling to the uterus.
It is however important to keep track of the pain and rule out other possible causes of Mittelschmerz that might to complications in future. It is also important in couples who seek to become parents to know the peak of fertile days in order to conceive during that time.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 20, 2021

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