What Can Cause A Sinus Tarsi Syndrome?

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome is a pathological condition involving the ankle which normally develops after an injury to the ankle such as an ankle sprain or due to overuse like repetitive running or walking flatfooted. This condition results in constant nagging pain in the ankle and tenderness to touch on the outer portion of the ankle as a result of inflammation.

An individual with Sinus Tarsi Syndrome can recover rapidly if the condition is diagnosed and treated early. If left untreated, Sinus Tarsi Syndrome may result in chronic pain which may not resolve with standard modes of treatment. Since the symptoms of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome mimic other conditions, an accurate diagnosis in most cases is not made.

The presenting features of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome are gradual and develop over a period of time. An individual with an ankle injury will continue to have nagging pain even after the injury has completely healed as a result of inflammation of the sinus tarsi area which is a clear indication of a Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. The individual will have deep seated pain which will get worse with activity and better with rest.

There will be instability of the ankle and the individual may not be able to walk normally due to this. Any movement of the ankle will cause immense pain. Sinus Tarsi Syndrome is mostly seen in people in the age range of 10 and 30. This article highlights some of the potential causes for Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.

What Can Cause A Sinus Tarsi Syndrome?

What Can Cause A Sinus Tarsi Syndrome?

Instability of the subtalar joint is the primary cause of Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. This instability is primarily caused by ankle sprain and improper foot biomechanics. An individual with multiple episodes of ankle sprains is at risk for developing subtalar joint instability which ultimately results in Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.

An individual who walks flatfooted also is at high risk for developing Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. This is because being flatfooted causes excessive pressure on the sinus tarsi region cause it to get irritated and inflamed resulting in Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.

Some of the other activities that may cause Sinus Tarsi Syndrome are ballet dancing as this again puts immense pressure on the sinus tarsi region. Sitting with the feet tucked directly below the body is yet another posture which puts immense pressure on the sinus tarsi area ultimately causing Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.

Pitchers in baseball also put lot of pressure on the back foot which results in excessive pressure being applied on the sinus tarsi area causing inflammation and irritation causing Sinus Tarsi Syndrome.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 14, 2018

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