Arm and Elbow Injuries

Can Tennis Elbow Be Permanent?

Tennis elbow is marked by swelling and pain in the elbow region due to constant overuse of forearm. It is common in people who...

Can Tennis Elbow Cause Tingling In Hand?

Tennis elbow is a painful disorder of elbows that occurs due to inflammation of the tendons and muscles that connect elbow joint with the...

What Are The First Signs Of Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is a painful condition characterized by inflammation of tendons attached by the side of the elbow. It occurs due to overuse or...

What Is The Best Treatment For Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is a painful inflammatory condition of the muscles and tendons supporting the elbow joint caused by repetitive overstraining of the forearm. The...

What Is The Most Common Cause Of Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse of the forearm. It is marked by an inflammation or swelling on...

What is Little League Elbow: Causes, Symptoms, Non-Surgical & Surgical Treatment, Recovery, Prevention, Diagnosis

What is Little League Elbow? Little league elbow is an overuse injury or condition caused by stress to the elbow leading to irritation and inflammation...

7 Causes of Elbow Popping or Cracking When Working Out

Elbow popping or elbow instability is a looseness in the elbow joint which is characterized by sliding or popping of the joint from its...

Galeazzi Fracture: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prognosis

What is a Galeazzi Fracture? A Galeazzi Fracture occurs as a result of a series of fractures or broken bones at the meeting point of...

Exploring How Stem Cells are Transforming Treatment Options For Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow

In recent years, the use of stem cells has revolutionized medical treatments for various conditions, including tennis and golfer's elbow. Tennis and golfer's elbow...

Myositis Ossificans in Athletes : Prevention and Management

Myositis ossificans, a condition characterized by the abnormal growth of bone tissue in muscles or soft tissues, is a concern for athletes across various...
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