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Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog Pose & Steps to Do it

Adhi Mukha Svanasana gets its name from Sanskrit where "Adho" means "Half", "Mukha" means "Face" and "Svan" means "Dog". Adho Mukha Svanasana t is also...

Techniques & Benefits of Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend

Prasarita Padottanasana gets its name from Sanskrit where "Prasarita" means " Wide/Stretched Out", "Pada" means "Foot", "Uttana" means "Intense Stretch" and "Asana" means "Pose...

Steps to do Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend & its Benefits

Uttanasana gets its name from Sanskrit where "Ut" means "Intense", "tan" means "to stretch" or "extend" and "asana" means "pose or posture Uttanasana is also...

Techniques to Do Ananda Balasana or the Happy Baby Pose & Its Benefits

Ananda Balasana gets its name from Sanskrit where "Ananda" means "Happy", "Bal" means "Child" or "Baby" and Asana" means "Pose" or "Posture". It is...

Steps to Do Pada Sanchalanasana or Cycling Yoga Pose & Its Benefits

Pada Sanchalanasana or Cycling yoga pose is a part of Pawanmuktasana Yoga series 2. The asanas in this group are basically done for the...

Technique to do Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise & Its Benefits, Variations

The Spinal Roll or the Spinal Twist and The Rocking Exercise are also called Jhulana Lurkhurana in Hindi helps in refreshing and energizing you...

How to do Virasana Or The Hero Pose & What are its Benefits?

Virasana gets its name from Sanskrit like other yogasanas where "Vir" means "hero" and "Asana" means "Posture" or "pose". The asana is termed as Virasana...

Techniques To Do Trikonasana or Triangle Pose & Its Benefits, Variations

Trikonasana gets its name from Sanskrit where "Trikona" means "Triangle" and "Asana" means "Pose" or "Posture". It is also called Triangle Pose because of the...

Technique To Do Garudasana Or The Eagle Pose & Its Benefits, Contraindication

Garudasana gets its name from Sanskrit where "Garuda" means "Eagle" and "Asana" means "Posture" or "Pose". It is also called Eagle Pose because of...

Technique to do Hanumanasana or the Monkey Pose & Its Benefits

Hanumanasana is nothing but a full split done slowly with regulated to controlled breathing. Hanumanasana helps to open up the groin and stretches the...
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