Technique to do Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise & Its Benefits, Variations

The Spinal Roll or the Spinal Twist and The Rocking Exercise are also called Jhulana Lurkhurana in Hindi helps in refreshing and energizing you when practiced early in the morning.

The spinal roll or rocking exercise massages your spine. It also tends to keep your spine supple and flexible and can help you sleep better. It helps reduce drowsiness and makes you feel energetic the whole day.

Technique to do Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

Like other asanas, it is considered best when The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise is practiced early in the morning. However, if because of some reason, you are not able to practice it in the morning, you can practice The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise in the evening as well. Mornings are preferred as the food is digested and your body has the energy to perform the asanas. But make sure that when you are practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise in the evening, you should have your food five to six hours before you practice as your food takes this much time to digest.

You may feel a little awkward while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise initially but as you keep doing it consistently, you will start enjoying it and will reap its benefits eventually.

Technique of Practicing the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

  • To practice The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise, you must use a thick mat or a blanket.
  • Get into Shavasana on the yoga mat .Close your eyes and relax while remaining aware of your breathing.
  • Bend both the knees little bit above the floor.
  • Interlock the fingers of both hands and clasp your hands around the shin just below the knees.
  • Always try not to exert any pressure on the spinal cord while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • This is the initial position to perform The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • Make sure that your spine is rolled gently and curved while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • Raise your head a little above the ground and also, make sure that your heels are raised a little above the floor while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • Now, start rocking in this position like a rocking chair by moving forward and backward while performing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • You must maintain a constant pace or rhythm while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise. The pace should not be too fast or too slow.
  • Practice the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise for 7 – 8 times while maintaining this posture.
  • Release the pose by leaving the hold of your shins by your hands and gently bring your head back on the ground.
  • Get back in Shavasana for 1 – 2 minutes and relax.
  • Practice the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise 3 – 4 times.

Breathing Pattern to Be Followed While Practicing the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

  • Inhale and exhale deeply while lying In Shavasana initially.
  • Inhale while folding your knees and grasping your shins with your hands.
  • Exhale while raising your head above the floor.
  • Inhale while rolling backward.
  • Exhale while rolling forwards.
  • Exhale deeply after releasing the pose and coming back to Shavasana.

Benefits of Practicing the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise helps in overcoming the drowsiness and stiffness felt on waking in the morning.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise gives a good massage to your vertebrae. And you will feel an invigorating sensation in your vertebrae while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • It makes your spine flexible and also helps in improving your posture. It also helps in reducing symptoms of old age from your body.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise is beneficial in treating insomnia and allows you to sleep soundly.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise helps in balancing the mind, increases the power of concentration, allows more awareness of the unconscious realms and induces physical and mental relaxation quickly. The thinking process becomes very clear and precise with regular practice of The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise also is beneficial in alleviating stress and curing mild depression.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise helps in strengthening all the core muscles of the body.
  • It also helps in increasing the strength and stamina of the body.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise also helps in increasing the body’s resistance to back, hip and leg injuries.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise also helps in relieving joint pain from the entire body.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise also helps in getting rid of extra fat from the belly when practiced regularly.

Precautions and Contraindications While Practicing the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

  • Get out of the pose or release the pose if you feel a sudden sharp and shooting pain in your legs.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise should not be practiced by pregnant females in the second and third trimester of their pregnancy.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise should also not performed by people who have had any recent abdominal or hip surgeries in the recent past. However, you can practice
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise if you have completely been healed from the surgery.
  • The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise should not be performed by people who have chronic spinal issues or spinal conditions like Slip Disc etc.
  • If you have any doubts about your condition, consult a physician before practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise and always practice asana under the supervision of a trained yoga expert.
  • Do not over exert yourself while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise. Do not push yourself beyond the limits. Go only as far as your body allows.

Tips While Practicing the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

  • Always try to keep your feet parallel and at hip width when you start practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise. Gradually with consistent practice, you can also start doing the Roll Downs with your feet and knees together. The advanced practitioners can do it since it is a little difficult to practice in the beginning.
  • Feel free to move your feet up or down the wall; keep your feet flat against the wall.
  • You can also experiment by keeping your arms at different levels around your legs while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise. Make sure you do not injure your head with the sudden backward movement while practicing.
  • Always remain aware of the breathing pattern while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise to reap maximum benefits from the practice.

The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise Variations

There are three variations of The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise and are mentioned as follows:

Variation 1 of the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

In the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 1, the body is rolled to the sides instead of rolling forward and backward.

Steps to do the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise Variation 1

  • To practice The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 1, you must use a thick mat or a blanket.
  • Get into Shavasana on the yoga mat .Close your eyes and relax while remaining aware of your breathing.
  • Bend both the knees little bit above the floor.
  • Interlock the fingers of both hands and clasp your hands around the shin just below the knees.
  • Always try not to exert any pressure on the spinal cord while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • This is the initial position to perform The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • Make sure that your spine is rolled gently and curved while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 1.
  • Raise your head a little above the ground and also, make sure that your heels are raised a little above the floor while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 1.
  • While staying in this position, start rolling sideways i.e. go from left side to right or vice versa.
  • You must maintain a constant pace or rhythm while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 1. The pace should not be too fast or too slow.
  • Practice the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 1 for 7 – 8 times while maintaining this posture.
  • Release the pose by leaving the hold of your shins by your hands and gently bring your head back on the ground.
  • Get back in Shavasana for 1 – 2 minutes and relax.
  • Practice the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 1 3 – 4 times.

Breathing Pattern to be Followed While Practicing the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise Variation 1

  • Inhale and exhale deeply while lying In Shavasana initially.
  • Inhale while folding your knees and grasping your shins with your hands.
  • Exhale while raising your head above the floor.
  • Inhale while rolling to your right.
  • Exhale while rolling to your left.
  • Exhale deeply after releasing the pose and coming back to Shavasana.

Variation 2 of the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

In The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 2, the body is rolled to the sides. The torso is rolled to one side and the lower half of the body is rolled in another direction. The legs in the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 2 are bent when practicing the asana.

Steps to do the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise Variation 2

  • To practice The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 2, you must use a thick mat or a blanket.
  • Get into Shavasana on the yoga mat .Close your eyes and relax while remaining aware of your breathing.
  • Bend both the knees little bit above the floor.
  • Interlock the fingers of both hands and clasp your hands around the shin just below the knees.
  • Always try not to exert any pressure on the spinal cord while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 2.
  • This is the initial position to perform The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 2.
  • Fold your legs and bring your knees at your chest level.
  • At the same time, stretch and bring your arms at shoulder level.
  • Now, turn your legs in this position to the right side while moving the upper side of your body to your left side and vice versa.
  • Practice the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 2 for 7 – 8 times while maintaining this posture.
  • Release the pose by leaving the hold of your shins by your hands and gently bring your head back on the ground.
  • Get back in Shavasana for 1 – 2 minutes and relax.
  • Practice the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 2, 3 – 4 times.

Breathing Pattern to be Followed While Practicing the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise Variation 2

  • Inhale and exhale deeply while lying In Shavasana initially.
  • Inhale while folding your knees and bringing them at your chest level.
  • Exhale while stretching your arms at the shoulder level.
  • Inhale while rolling your torso to right and legs to your left.
  • Exhale while rolling your torso to left and legs to your right.
  • Exhale deeply after releasing the pose and coming back to Shavasana.

Variation 3 of the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise

In The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise Variation 3, the body is raised to a squatting position once it is rolled back forward. This will further strengthen the core muscles of the body especially the abdominal region, hips, and thighs.

Steps to do The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise Variation 3

  • To practice The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 3, you must use a thick mat or a blanket.
  • Get into Shavasana on the yoga mat .Close your eyes and relax while remaining aware of your breathing.
  • Bend both the knees little bit above the floor.
  • Interlock the fingers of both hands and clasp your hands around the shin just below the knees.
  • Always try not to exert any pressure on the spinal cord while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise.
  • This is the initial position to perform The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 3.
  • Make sure that your spine is rolled gently and curved while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 3.
  • Raise your head a little above the ground and also, make sure that your heels are raised a little above the floor while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 3.
  • Now, start rocking in this position like a rocking chair by moving forward and backward while performing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 3.
  • After coming forward get into squatting position. You might find it a little difficult to roll back in a squat initially. As raising your hips off the floor after rolling back is arduous at first. But with repeated practice, you will be able to do it with ease.
  • You must maintain a constant pace or rhythm while practicing The Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 3. The pace should not be too fast or too slow.
  • Practice the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 3 for 7 – 8 times while maintaining this posture.
  • Release the pose by leaving the hold of your shins by your hands and gently bring your head back on the ground.
  • Get back in Shavasana for 1 – 2 minutes and relax.
  • Practice the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise variation 3 for 3 – 4 times.

Breathing Pattern to be Followed While Practicing the Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercise Variation 3

  • Inhale and exhale deeply while lying In Shavasana initially.
  • Inhale while folding your knees and grasping your shins with your hands.
  • Exhale while raising your head above the floor.
  • Inhale while rolling backward.
  • Exhale while rolling forward.
  • Maintain a constant breath while staying in a squat.
  • Exhale deeply after releasing the pose and coming back to Shavasana.

Spinal Roll or Rocking Exercises for Spinal Pain Relief

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 25, 2022

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