Trichomona is a parasite that transmits through sexual intercourse and sexual contact. The parasite causes the infection known as trichomoniasis, which causes irritation and itching sensation in the genital region. Although trichomoniasis is curable with the help of antibiotics, it develops uncomfortable situation and leads to further complications. Detecting the parasite in the early stage is a better way to keep a check on the spread of the disease. Metronidazole, the antibiotic, is a one dose pill that is helpful in curing trichomoniasis. The occurrence of the parasite is high in women than men. Identifying the symptoms in the early stages will be useful to faster treatment.
Can Trichomoniasis Cause Lower Abdominal Pain?
Can you experience abdominal pain due to trichomoniasis? An individual shows the signs of trichomoniasis after a week of the exposure to the parasite. It reaches into the advanced state, where the exposure is more than 20 days, the infection spreads to the interiors of the vagina. The cause is due to the growth of the parasite. The bumps created by the parasite causes severe pain when the individual participates in intercourse. Women also experience abdominal pain, which subsides after a day or two from the beginning of the treatment day.
The very first symptom that an individual identifies is the vaginal discharge. The texture of the discharge ranges from transparent to foamy. The color of the discharge is grey, green, or yellow. It is possible for the infected individual to notice a light discharge during the periods or a heavy episode for a complete month. The vaginal discharge speaks about the presence of the parasite, as it appears after a week of the exposure to trichomona. It is preferable to use a panty liner or sanitary pad until the individual receives medical attention.
Affected people also suffer from itching around the genital region. It begins as occasional and turns into widespread. The individual can also experience the sensation inside the folds of the labia. The feeling further spreads to the sides of the legs. It is possible to achieve relief from the itching sensation with the use of cortisone cream or an anti-inflammatory cream. However, seeking medical attention is advisable to prevent the spread of the parasite.
A few women reported that they sensed slight to strong scent because of the presence of the infection. When compared with the odor of the yeast infection, the smell is slightly sore. In the advanced state, the order turns to foul and fishy, especially after washing the vagina.
Diagnosing Trichomoniasis
As finding the presence of the parasite is difficult, diagnosing trichomoniasis is essential. Diagnosing for the parasite is a simple procedure. It involves the collection of vaginal fluids using a cotton swab. The doctor or the nurse will check the cotton swab under a microscope to test for the presence of the parasite. Alternatively, they can collect the cells by using the cotton swab by gently rubbing the infected area in the genital region. In a few situations, the doctor can perform a lap test, where there will allow the parasite to grow, which usually takes a week. There will provide the result after a week of observation in the laboratory.
As stated earlier, upon detecting the presence of the parasite, the doctor chooses antibiotic drug for a specified period. During this time, it is crucial to keep away from oral or vaginal intercourse. Furthermore, it is also preferable to follow the treatment procedure for your partner or partners.
One can also notice the spread of the infection into labia. There is also an increase in the itching sensation. The abdominal pain subsides in a day or two after the start of the treatment.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, April 21). Trichomoniasis – CDC Fact Sheet.
- Mayo Clinic. (2021, February 25). Trichomoniasis.
- Harvard Health Publishing. (2020, December 29). Trichomoniasis.
- Swygard, H., & Seña, A. C. (2017). Diagnosis and Management of Trichomoniasis. Infection and Drug Resistance, 10, 157-165. doi:10.2147/IDR.S93792
- Muzny, C. A. (2016). Diagnosis and Management of Common Sexually Transmitted Infections: An Update. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America, 30(3), 771-794. doi:10.1016/j.idc.2016.04.006
- Moodley, P., Wilkinson, D., Connolly, C., Moodley, J., & Sturm, A. W. (2002). Trichomonas vaginalis Is Associated with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Women Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 34(4), 519-522. doi:10.1086/338401
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