

Mirror Touch Synesthesia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Coping Techniques

What is Mirror Touch Synesthesia? Synesthesia is a feeling produced by one sense when a different sense is stimulated. A sensation of touch when someone...

Tattoos and Piercing: Types, Health Risks, What Do You Need To Know Before Getting One

Tattooing has been practiced throughout the world since ancient times. It is practiced by many people and for various reasons. This article discusses what...

Cold Shower Or Hot Shower: Which One To Opt?

Does it ever happen with you that you start wondering about which one to opt for among a cold shower and a hot shower?...

Health Benefits of Jatamansi in Treating Epilepsy, Insomnia, Catalepsy, Depression and Strengthening the Nervous System

There are various herbs which help us to calm our mind and also improve our nerve health; and one of those herbs is Jatamansi....

10 Safety Tips To Prevent Falls At Home

Falls at home can put you at a high risk of a serious injury. Especially in older adults, the risk of falling and getting...

8 Amazing Health Benefits of Copaiba Oil & Its Side Effects, Safety Precaution

Copaiba oil that comes from the copaiba trees are the essential oils that have some real impressive health benefits. Read on to know more...

How To Do Body Scan Meditation & What Are Its Benefits?

Beginners, Listen Up! Yoga is the practice, which aligns the mind, body and spirit through proper posture, breathing and awareness.(1) Unfortunately, for those starting from...

What is Monoplegia & What are its Treatment Options?

What is Monoplegia? Monoplegia is a type of paralysis that affects one limb. Mostly in monoplegia, one arm is affected but it can also affect...

15 Best Essential Oils For Cough, Its Risks, Complications & Different Ways to Use Essential Oils for Cough

Because of their excellent natural qualities, essential oils are being used to treat several conditions including cough. When essential oils are used to get...

9 Amazing Health Benefits Of Spikenard Essential Oil

Spikenard essential oil is considered as one of the most precious oils since the ancient times and it has been used as a medicine...
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