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Asthma Health Center

What Leads To Occupational Asthma & Can It Be Cured?

Asthma is a recurring disorder of the lungs that involves swelling of the airways. Asthma-related inflammation causes excessive mucus production within the airways, which...

Is Occupational Asthma A Serious Condition & Can It Be Reversed?

Asthma that occurs due to or worsens due to exposure to certain substances or chemicals at a workplace is termed as occupational asthma. These...

Can You Die From Occupational Asthma & Is There A Surgery For It?

Occupational asthma is a type of asthma (or exacerbation of existing asthma) caused by occupational exposure of irritants. Symptoms typically develop over months to...

How Common Is Occupational Asthma Or Is It A Rare Disease?

Do you have asthma symptoms only when you are in the workplace, or do you have asthma symptoms only when you are performing a...

How Do You Stop Occupational Asthma From Spreading?

Occupational asthma is a disease of the lung in which substances in the workplace cause irritation thus swelling and narrow the respiratory tract of...

Can Isocyanates Cause Occupational Asthma?

Occupational asthma is a lung condition induced by chemicals or substances used in the workplace. These chemicals can be paints, glues, pesticides, rubbers, etc....

Lifestyle Changes & Yoga For Occupational Asthma

Occupational asthma is a type of lung disease characterized by reversible narrowing of the windpipes due to exposure to a particular substance in the...

What Are The First Symptoms Of Occupational Asthma & How Do You Test For It?

Occupational asthma is a type of asthma triggered only in the workplace when the body reacts against a specific substance in the workplace. It...

What Triggers Occupational Asthma & What Is The Prognosis For It?

Occupational asthma appears when a person is exposed to certain substances in his workplace that either causes inflammation or irritation in the lungs. One...

Can Occupational Asthma Go Away On Its Own & What Are Its Natural Remedies?

When you develop asthma because of substances like chemicals, dust, pollens, etc. at your workplace, it is termed as occupational asthma. Occupational asthma develops...
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