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Can Occupational Asthma Go Away On Its Own & What Are Its Natural Remedies?

When you develop asthma because of substances like chemicals, dust, pollens, etc. at your workplace, it is termed as occupational asthma. Occupational asthma develops when you get subjected to an allergy or irritation causing substance, which triggers an immunological or allergic response. Occupational asthma can cause symptoms much like any other kind of asthma, especially wheezing, coughing, tightness in chest, breathlessness, etc.(1)

Can Occupational Asthma Go Away On Its Own?

If left untreated, occupational asthma cannot go away on its own. In fact, it can worsen and cause serious, life-threatening complications like perpetual lung damage, severe disability, and death. Also, once you get allergic to any substance, even fragmental amounts of that substance can precipitate an asthma attack, even if you take the precaution of wearing a mask or respirator. Occupational asthma needs to be treated. It cannot disappear on its own.

What Are The Natural Remedies For Occupational Asthma?

Identifying the triggers leading to occupational asthma and staying away from them aptly is the first and foremost concern when it comes to an effective asthma management treatment plan. Aside from this, certain natural and home remedies are claimed by many to have provided them relief from asthma symptoms. However, more research is needed on this front. There are many alternative treatment method options available out there. However, they need to be further tested for their credibility.

These methods may include-

Breathing Procedures- Some breathing procedures may enhance the quality of life of asthmatics; however, they are not known to better the asthma symptoms. These procedures may include the Papworth method, lung muscle training, the Buteyko method, pranayama or yoga breathing procedures, etc.(2)

Acupuncture– A part of ancient Chinese medicine, this procedure consists of positioning extremely thin needles at some points in your body. It is generally considered to be a safe and painless method; however, its efficacy still needs to be supported by further research.(2)

Essential Oils– Essential oils like eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil, kalonji oil, oregano oil, etc. are found to be beneficial for lungs. Most of these oils are anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, expectorants, decongestants and help in cleansing the lungs, thinning the mucus and clearing the air passages. These qualities can be beneficial in treating asthma.(3)

Honey– Honey is considered as one of the ancient remedies for respiratory problems. Honey helps in eliminating mucus from your throat and gives you a better sleep.(3)

Coffee– Coffee is claimed by many as the easiest and most effective way of alleviating asthma symptoms. A mild asthma attack can be aborted by drinking a cup of your favorite coffee, brewed hot. Coffee contains caffeine, which acts as a bronchodilator and dilates the narrowed air passages.(3)

Turmeric– Turmeric consists of curcumin. Curcumin regulates the inflammatory reaction of your body and reduces the inflammation in the air passages. Turmeric is also a well-known anti-microbial. A quarter tsp of turmeric along with a glass of lukewarm water, taken thrice a day for about ten to fifteen days can do the trick.(3)

Ginger, Garlic, And Onions- All three of these are well-known anti-inflammatory foods. Their regular consumption can prevent and abort a mild asthma attack and can relieve the symptoms of an ongoing attack. Ginger and garlic can be independently consumed as a decoction, while onion can be eaten raw.(3)


Occupational asthma cannot go away on its own. It needs to be treated with medications and other procedures necessary. If left untreated, it can lead to many serious complications that can be life-threatening. Natural remedies cannot cure asthma. However, many people believe that natural remedies can provide great relief from their asthma symptoms. Though natural remedies cannot cure asthma, they can be tried as a supplementary treatment to the conventional methods of treatment.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 5, 2020

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