Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease characterized by the inflammation of the thyroid gland as a result of excess production of thyroid antibodies. It can lead to hypothyroidism. The symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease are depression, dry and itchy skin, brittle hair, impairment of temperature sensation, tiredness and difficulty in concentration. It causes sluggishness and damage of the thyroid gland. The cause of the disease can be acquired or genetic. It is detected by presence of thyroid antibodies in the blood test and physical examination. It is managed by thyroid hormones supplements and surgery (if large goiter is formed).
Is There A Cure For Hashimoto’s Disease?
Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disease characterized by the attack of immune system on the thyroid gland. It is marked by the excess production of antibodies named thyroid peroxidase (TPO) that can lead the destruction of the thyroid proteins thyroglobulin. Large quantities of lymphocytes get build in the thyroid gland as a part of attack of immune system and they release increased quantities of antibodies. These antibodies destroy the proteins of the gland resulting in the underactive thyroid gland. With the destruction of the thyroid hormones, thyroid gland get damaged. Thus, the function of the thyroid gland becomes sluggish and metabolism is hampered due to insufficient secretion of the thyroid hormones.
Hashimoto disease is one of the main common causes of hypothyroidism. Initially, it does not represent any symptom. As the there is progress in the disease, thyroid gland gets larger and neck appears swollen with the feeling of fullness in the neck. Over the years of damage of thyroid gland, hypothyroidism is induced. With constantly lowered thyroid hormones, cholesterol level in the body increases leading heart disease.
The symptoms and signs of Hashimoto’ s disease can be depression, fatigue, weight gain, heat and cold intolerance , sleepiness, dry hair and dry skin, constipation, muscular cramps, increased cholesterol levels, depression, difficulty in concentration and swelling in the legs. The patient can also feel difficulty in swallowing solids and liquids due to enlarged thyroid gland that may compress the esophagus.
Hashimoto disease is more common in women than men and mostly starts in the adult age.
The causes of Hashimoto’s disease can be genetic or acquired. It is revealed by blood tests for antithyroid antibodies and physical exam. The damage caused to thyroid glands determines the mode of treatment.
There is no cure for Hashimoto’s disease. It is curable only if it is detected earlier. It is unpredictable that how much time will be required by the autoimmune process and inflammation caused to thyroid to represent its existence. Thyroid hormone medicines are prescribed and surgical intervention according to the condition of thyroid.
Thyroid hormones supplements can meet the requirements of natural thyroid hormones before the start of inflammation. There are two thyroid hormones that are prescribed to relieve the symptoms of Hashimoto’s disease. These are T3 and T4 hormones. Synthetic T4 is prescribed for successful treatment. These medicines are required to be taken indefinitely to relieve the symptoms of consequent hypothyroidism. Maintenance of thyroid hormones to the normal levels is necessary otherwise the symptoms might get worse. The dose is modified after checking of Thyroid hormone levels once in a year.
Scientifically, there is no significant evidence that any natural treatment can reverse the Hashimoto’s disease. The prognosis of the disease is good with proper treatment. Restoration of thyroid hormones with hormone supplements can control the disease. However, there is no method available to prevent Hashimoto’s disease.
There is no cure for Hashimoto’s disease. It is curable only if it is detected earlier. It is a disease in which one’s own immune system considers its own tissue as a foreign. If Hashimoto’ disease is not managed properly, it may trigger hypothyroidism and thyroid damage over the span of years resulting in organ damage and severe illness.
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