Bone spurs or osteophytes indicate small size of bone nubs, which usually develop whenever vertebrae of individuals rub together. In case of a healthy spine, discs provide cushion to vertebrae and thereby, allow them to bend and pivot without influencing one another.
In addition, the facet joints responsible to hinge the vertebrae remained covered with a cartilage lining to provide protection of the vertebrae from rubbing one another. Each component remains in proper place to avoid contact between two or more vertebrae in humans. Thus, whenever any of the things mentioned here wear down with the passage of time, such as deterioration of cartilage or damaging of disk, vertebrae begins to collide, leading to the formation of bone spurs.
What are the Remedies for Bone Spur?
Bone spurs or osteophytes develop usually in the form of natural stabilizing response to friction caused between two different bones or due to age-related conditions like the problem of degenerative disc and spinal arthritis problems. Indeed, the people may not control the age of bones and spine; but they may adopt a few important things to prevent unwanted wear and tear problems contributing towards the development of bone spurs.
By understanding the exact causes behind growth of spurs across facet joints, patients bring the necessary changes in their lifestyle and thereby, reduce the risk related to the development of bone spurs and various other similar types of degenerative bone/spine conditions.
Bone Spurs Treatment Options
Symptoms related to the problem of bone spurs often respond in a well manner to a large number of conservative treatments available. These include physical therapy, pain medication, modification of one’s behavior and various other non-surgical or non-operative methods available.
Doctors may recommend any one or combination of the treatment options mentioned here based on both physical and imaging test or based on the diagnose of the exact cause of one’s pain.
Conservative type of treatment for bone spurs typically requires several months before patients experience any lasting relief from the pain. After few months, if you still experience pain, you should consult your doctor to undergo for minimal invasive surgery.
Steps to Prevent Bone Spurs Problems
With the increase of your age, movable parts of the bone wear down gradually because of the loss of water contents naturally in combination with the weight stress and daily movements. These factors result in cartilage on facet joints, vertebral joints and other bone joints to disappear slowly because of the consistent twists and turns plus wearing down and rubbing against cartilage.
Once the cartilage causes wearing down, vertebrae no longer get cushion leading to contact of bones and formation of bone spurs. Similar type of situation takes place when disc present in the spine starts to lose its height, which potentially lead to vertebral contact. However, the positive thing in this case is that individuals may go with a few specific preventative methods to avoid or reduce/postpone the bone spurs development and thus, boost the overall bone/spine health. The steps directed towards the prevention of bone spurs include the following-
Healthy Diet: Make a habit to have healthy diet that is rich in every essential vitamin as well as mineral. Particularly, you should make sure of calcium intake in adequate amount to have strong and healthy bones.
Exercise: Make sure to have regular exercise, as it helps in strengthening the core muscles, so that they may easily provide support to your overall body weight.
Be Cautious: Next, you should avoid repetitive body movements and at the same time, need to use necessary lifting techniques.
Sports: Lastly, you should play any impact sport in a careful manner to make sure about healthy spine and bones.
- “Bone Spurs (Osteophytes): Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment” – Mayo Clinic Link:
- “Understanding Bone Spurs and Their Treatment” – OrthoInfo Link:–conditions/understanding-bone-spurs
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