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Can Bone Spurs Be Dissolved?

Can Bone Spurs Be Dissolved?

Due to wear and tear of the cartilages which are wrapped around the joints of the bones, often the cartilages get damaged. As a result of this damage the bones rub against together roughly. Sometimes due to the rough rubbing of two bones, a bony lump develops on the bone. The lump is of excessive calcium released by the bones so that the friction between the two bones can be brought down. These bony lumps which lead to difficulty in moving the bones and cause pain are called as bone spurs. Even though bone spurs may cause you severe pain and restrict your movement, it is not untreatable. If diagnosed at an early age, bone sours can be treated and dissolved without opting for surgery.

Bone spurs which are also referred as osteophytes can be formed on any bone or joint, ligament or tendon of the body.1 Even though the growing bone spur itself is not painful, this growth brushes the neighboring bones and nerves and while the bone spur gets rubbed against these bones and nerves pain comes as a result. It is often seen that bone spurs in the body is left unidentified because these remain asymptomatic for years. When you are experiencing pain you must seek help of a doctor immediately. Among the several treatment options for bone spurs, vitamins can be used as alternative medication since it can result in dissolving the bone spurs. Before beginning any kind vitamin regimen consult with your doctor.

Can Bone Spurs Be Dissolved?

How to Dissolve Bone Spurs?

Other than the conventional treatments like consuming anti-inflammatory drugs to release pain and surgery to remove bone spurs, there are several ingredients that can help in treating bone spurs. Ingredients like ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium glycerophosphate do not cause any effect to the healthy bones. Such ingredients only affect the bone sours and help our cells to gain energy to build stronger bones and repair damages.

Steps You May Follow To Heal Bone Spurs

Step 1: You have to make yourself familiar with the symptoms of bone sour like pain in the bones and loss or limitation of motion in the bones.

Step 2: As soon as you identify the symptoms get medical help. After your doctor has successfully diagnosed you condition to be of bone spurs you can raise the discussion of healing and dissolving the bone spurs with vitamin supplementation.

Step 3: In order to reduce bone sour, you may choose to consume Vitamin Fortified milk is rich in vitamin D and you serve your purpose by acting as an excellent source for the same as referred in the book ‘The Vitamin Book’. The milk will provide you 30% of vitamin D consumption that is required daily.

Step 4: You can take in green vegetables, soya bean, mangoes, tomatoes and kiwi to increase your Vitamin E intake. Vitamin E helps in the reduction of inflammation in the bones caused due to bone spurs. According to ‘the Vitamin Book’, an adult person should consume 1000 milligrams of Vitamin E per day.

Step 5: Your daily intake of Vitamin K of 120 mcg per day (for an adult male of 19 years) can be fulfilled by green vegetables like cauliflower. Lack of Vitamin K often causes abnormal bone growth and cartilage mineralization which sets ground for the development of bone spurs.

Step 6: Supplements like magnesium and calcium will help you get relieved of the pain caused due to bone spurs. 1200 milligrams of calcium and 600 milligrams of magnesium should be the daily intake of a patient suffering from bone spur is suggested by Arthritis Treatment and Relief.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 17, 2019

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