HomeBreast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Complications of Advanced Breast Cancer

What is Advanced Breast Cancer? Advanced breast cancer is a term used to refer to stage IV breast cancer. This means that the cancer cells...

7 Tips for Breast Cancer Risk Reduction

Cancer is a serious topic. Many people avoid talking about it because it makes them uncomfortable. The majority of breast cancers arise from circumstances...

Types of Breast Cancer and What Type of Breast Cancer is Most Curable?

No matter where in the body cancer occurs, it happens due to mutations that take place in the genes that control cell growth. These...

Navigating the Link : Investigating the Potential Interplay Between Migraines and Breast Cancer Risk

A significant proportion, estimated to be anywhere between 14 to 15 percent of the global population, reportedly grapples with migraines quite frequently.(1) Migraine is...

Thymidine kinase 1 (TK1) as a biomarker for breast cancer prognosis

Breast cancer is one of the most diagnosed cancers in the European Union, with an estimated 374,800 women and 4,400 men diagnosed in 2022...
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