Causes of Chest Pain after Smoking and Ways to Stop it

Smoking is known to cause more harm than any good. While there are several health hazards of smoking, chest pain after smoking is an important one. It is important to know the causes of chest pain after smoking and ways to stop it. Chest pain after smoking can be a troublesome complaint and to get rid of the pain, you need to quit smoking. The nicotine content in cigarettes is habit forming, which makes it difficult to quit. But learning ways to quit smoking is important to maintain health and prevent chest pain after smoking.

Causes of Chest Pain after Smoking

Causes of Chest Pain after Smoking

Smoking can affect you in many ways and increase the risk of several illnesses like tuberculosis, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, and even coronary artery disease. For most long term smokers, chest pain after smoking is an obvious compliant. The pain will be more when you deep breathe, giving you a pinching feeling that becomes tough to withstand at times.

  • Inflammation – The most prominent aspect of smoking is the inflammation of air passages which results in massive pain, recognized as chest pain after smoking. It is caused by the chemicals present in smoke, which results in chest pain. The inflammation of the air passages is thus the commonest cause of chest pain after smoking.
  • Lowered Immunity – Smoking reduces your immunity, making you prone to viral infections, allergies, frequent cold and cough. Repeated coughing can strain and cause chest wall muscles to get sore, leading to pain each time you breathe. Frequent viral infections and cough is another common cause of chest pain after smoking.
  • Lower Respiratory Tract Infections – Long term smoking, which causes repeated inflammation of the respiratory tract, increases the risk of lower respiratory tract infections. Conditions like bronchitis, inflammation of pleura and other conditions affecting the lungs are the most prominent causes of chest pain after smoking.

Chest pain after smoking can be severe, mild, one sided or both sided, depending upon the chest wall inflammation and the area affected. It can cause cholesterol build up in arteries, causing hardening of arteries, which affects the blood flow to the heart and brain. It not only increases the risk of stroke, cardiovascular diseases and lung cancer but also affects blood circulation and the overall functioning of the body.

Ways to Stop Chest Pain after Smoking

Chest pain after smoking surely calls for ‘quit smoking’. But before that, you need to handle your chest pain immediately, so even if you are addicted to smoking, try to find out the ways to stop it.

The best ways to stop chest pain after smoking is to treat the underlying cause of chest pain. Bronchitis and other inflammatory conditions must be treated appropriately. Infections are often treated with anti-biotics. Cough expectorant also work well in your favor and helps a lot in relieving the cough thus helping to stop chest pain after smoking.

If smoking has caused more damage to the internal organs like the heart and the blood vessels, specialized investigations and treatment may be required. High cholesterol and high blood pressure can worsen chest pain after smoking and increase the risk of complications. Hence, such conditions must be treated with medications, diet and exercise.

While it is important to treat the causes of chest pain after smoking, remember that it will help only for some time. If the habit of smoking continues, the problems will recur and complete recovery cannot be expected. Hence, after the initial treatment is over, the mainstay to stop chest after smoking remains to quit smoking.

Here are Some Ways to Stop Chest Pain after Smoking:

  • Take plenty of fluids to flush out the toxins, to avoid nicotine accumulation in your body. It also helps to loosen the cough, which can be easily removed then. Drinking warm water and fluids can help to a great extent and work as natural cough expectorants.
  • Hot fomentation and steam inhalation also helps to relieve chest pain due to cold, cough and respiratory troubles. Using some essential oils that fight inflammation and respiratory infections can also help.
  • Home remedies are an effective way to stop chest pain after smoking. Using ginger and turmeric in teas, soups and other foods can also help fight inflammation and relieve chest pain after smoking.
  • Anti-oxidants, which are found in plenty in green tea and other foods also help to fight inflammation, build immunity and prevent infections.
  • Holy basil also helps in releasing the cough and has anti-bacterial properties. It also boosts your heart function, acts as a blood purifier agent and can help to stop chest pain after smoking.
  • Healthy foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in fibers and anti-oxidant properties help in healing and to stop chest pain. Try eating more of raw fruits and vegetables as salads with black pepper sprinkled on it, to find relief from cough.

Home remedies and alternative therapies can help a great deal wot stop chest pain after smoking. But the most important thing to stop chest pain is to stop smoking. Also, it is important to seek medical opinion if you experience chest pain and follow medical advice. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent complications and improve your chances to recover from chest pain after smoking and to successfully quit smoking.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 6, 2018

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