Are There Any Home Remedies For Interstitial Lung Disease?
Below mentioned are some of the home remedies for interstitial lung disease:
Serrapeptase has been used traditionally for its anti-inflammatory properties and although it is not as effective as medicines, it is very useful home remedy for interstitial lung disease. It helps to expel excess mucus from the lungs and the lymphatic system. On the other hand, the serrapeptase reduces inflammation and helps to reduce fibrosis.
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver helps to heal the interstitial lung disease, and its main function is to eliminate fungi or viruses that aggravate fibrosis and help maintain the condition. However, colloidal silver does not affect the anaerobic bacteria present in the intestine, unlike conventional antibiotics.
It helps to restore cellular respiration in interstitial lung disease. It may have other effects: (a) It improves the metabolic energy and the oxygenation of the tissue, (b) it facilitates the detoxification of the cells and the liver (c) it improves the T cells of the immune system.
Licorice Capsules
Licorice capsules are highly effective for the treatment of interstitial lung disease and are an excellent home remedy. These capsules inhibit overactive B cells for the immune system to stop their attack to the lungs. Licorice capsule also promotes the production of a natural steroid produced by the adrenal gland. These steroids are more effective than steroids and medications that help to reduce inflammation, restore adrenal function and also help to balance the immune system. Licorice is one of the best expectorants and helps to cleanse the lungs.
Hemp Oil
Hemp oil is another effective home remedy for interstitial lung disease. Since it contains essential fatty acids, the restoration program resolves inflammation. If you cannot get this type of oil, it is possible to consider using cod liver oil instead. If you have a teaspoon of one of the oils, this will help to reduce the effects of fibrosis.
Algae are yet another effective home remedy for interstitial lung disease. Algae contain a kaleidoscope of nutrients that are essential for the body. You can also find seaweed capsules that offer seaweed extract. It helps to promote intercellular communication and helps to detoxify the body.
Organic Silicon
Organic silicon is easily absorbed by the body. Silica helps to repair collagen and can help to replenish silica in your body. The collagen is what that lines the lungs and the silica helps to repair as well as expelling the toxins and restoring the elasticity of the collagen.
What Foods Can Help In Interstitial Lung Disease?
The small changes that we can make in our diet are always directed to the search of nutrients, to cleanse our organism, and to balance our PH blood levels.
It is highly recommended juices and fruits, suitable for the treatment of interstitial lung disease.
It is recommended to take a piece of garlic in the morning since it is very healthy and will help us start in the best way.
–Lemon Juice Fasting: Essential to cleanse our body at the start of the day.
–Carrots: They are antioxidants, rich in vitamin A, improve circulation and contain beta-carotene, undoubtedly beneficial for this pathology. It is very practical for example to make us a juice liquefying carrot and a little beet; we will drink it without squeezing.
–Cranberry Juice With Pineapple: Powerful antioxidants. The blue pigment of cranberry, for example, contains anthocyanin, perfect for diseases of blood circulation.
–Tomato Juice: Very nutritious and another one of the families of antioxidants. It contains iron, phosphorus, vitamins C, E, and A… suitable for cardiovascular problems.
–Plums: We should take them with an empty stomach, for example in the afternoon and after a few hours have passed since our last meal. They contain several nutrients, vitamins, and are very useful for lowering cholesterol. All this will make the circulation to be more optimal thus benefiting our disease.
–Aloe: It has a wonderful regenerative power, and also cleanses our body of toxins. We can take your juice mixed with water and carrot juice.
The causes of interstitial lung diseases (ILD) remain unknown in most cases, so it is very difficult to take some measures to prevent it.
The aforementioned foods and home remedies can help to improve the interstitial lung diseases, although it is always recommended to attend the specialist physician for a proper treatment.
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- Interstitial Lung Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis, Life Expectancy, Prognosis
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