How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Pneumothorax?

About Pneumothorax

Pneumothorax which in common terms is called a Collapsed Lung is potentially a serious condition involving the chest. This condition arises when air tends to infiltrate the region between the rib cage and the lungs. The air then exerts pressure on the lungs and pushes it causing it to collapse. Once the lung collapses then it becomes extremely difficult for the affected individual to breathe normally and as a result there is inadequate supply of oxygen to the body which may hamper normal functioning of the other vital organs of the body.

Car accidents are believed to be one of the leading causes of a Pneumothorax where the steering wheel hits hard on the chest and ribs of the driver causing the lungs to collapse. A gunshot or a stab wound to the chest area may also result in a Pneumothorax. A fractured rib is also believed to be one of the causes of Pneumothorax.

An individual with a Pneumothorax will not only find it difficult to breathe but will also have severe chest pain and dizziness. Since Pneumothorax is a serious condition thus it becomes essential to know how long it will take to recover from such a condition.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Pneumothorax?

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Pneumothorax?

The time that it will take for an individual to completely recover from a Pneumothorax depends on the type of injury that caused it. In cases where a car accident or a penetrating injury such as a gunshot or a stab wound caused the Pneumothorax, then it may take anywhere from four to Eight weeks after treatment of the underlying cause for an individual to completely recover from a Pneumothorax.

If an underlying medical condition is the cause of a Pneumothorax, then treatment of the medical condition may decide as to the time that it will take for the individual to recover from Pneumothorax.

Minor cases of Pneumothorax tend to go away on its own in a matter of a week and do not require much treatment. In cases of a much serious injury, it will take somewhere around two to three weeks for an individual to completely recover from a Pneumothorax.

During this time, the individual will have to follow the instructions of the healthcare provider diligently to hasten the process of recovery from a Pneumothorax.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 27, 2018

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