Life expectancy is the age for which a person is expected to live predicted on the birth of that child depending upon the current trends of the population in which the infant is living. It varies from place to place and also depends upon various environmental conditions, acquired factors and facilities available at the place.
Childhood obesity is a condition characterized by an increase in weight proportionally more than the required weight for age or height. It can be calculated by body mass index which is presented by the formula weight (in kg) / height (in square meters). In children, it is measured by the ponderal index given by the formula height (in cm)/weight (in cube root kg) [1].
Life Expectancy Of Someone With Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity itself is a medical condition but also it can give rise to dangerous complications that are even lethal for life. Cardiovascular events, renal problems, respiratory difficulties etc. can all lead to increases in morbidity and mortality of the patients in childhood and adolescence age group. These complications can reduce the age expected to a because of earlier mortality. It can reduce the overall rate of life expectancy which can affect the average expected age to be lived by a person in a healthy population. According to various studies, the decrease in life expectancy can range from 5 years to 20 years or even greater.[1] It can be measured by health adjusted life expectancy. People suffering from obesity in childhood are more likely to die with a cardiovascular event before the age of 55 years. Significant mortality is also noted in the age groups of 2nd, 3rd,4th and 5th decade of life.
The overall life expectancy of a population is reduced to an extent of 13 years which has been found in many study groups.[2] It was found with the help of statistically vanishing childhood obesity from the population. People suffering from childhood obesity are less likely to live beyond the age of 70 years and more likely to die before the expected increase of the population.
It has not only decreased the life expectancy but also deteriorates the quality of life because of higher morbidity and complication episodes associated with it. The extent of morbidity can that by disability-adjusted life years. According to a study, it an that the rate of childhood obesity was increasing steadily from the 1930s till the early 2000s but in recent times it has found a massive jump in the 21st century and is growing like an epidemic especially in developed and luxurious countries with high human development index.
A recent study of 2014 shows that a normal adult is expected to live for about 77 years but a person suffering from childhood obesity in his early years is expected to live 9 to 12 months shorter than their healthy counterparts which, that the life expectancy is dented by the childhood obesity.[3]
Childhood obesity is growing like an epidemic especially due to the advent of the modern era and luxurious life and it is causing premature deaths in developed countries especially. It is affecting the life expectancy of an infant and also the whole population. Due to its high morbid complications, it also degrades the quality of life and increases the disabilities. An unhealthy lifestyle and bad food eating habits have precipitated the condition.
It is high time that if proper measures are not taken to counter this rising epidemic of childhood obesity then it may show itself in the coming years as a pandemic and can engulf a large number of lives at in early age and would be difficult to control. No matter how many cons are seen for childhood obesity, a major pro in favor is that it is easily treatable with good control of one’s own habits and teaching the importance of good quality food eating habits.
Also Read:
- Weight Problems in Children| Natural Ways to Treat Childhood Obesity
- What Are The Effects Of Childhood Obesity & Is It On The Rise?
- Lifestyle Changes For Childhood Obesity
- What To Eat & Avoid When You Have Childhood Obesity?
- Home Remedies For Childhood Obesity
- How To Diagnose Childhood Obesity & What Is The Best Medicine For It?
- How Long Will It Take To Recover From Childhood Obesity?