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What Are the Ways To Prevent Neuroblastoma & Does It Relapse?

Treatment for neuroblastoma in children varies significantly based on the risk for relapse (return of neuroblastoma) classification of the disease. Medical studies show that more than 50% of cases diagnosed with high-risk neuroblastoma often have a recurrence. These tumors do not respond to initial treatment.

However, children with intermediate-risk suffer a relapse of only 5-15%. If the patient is going to suffer a relapse, it usually occurs before 2 years after the course of treatment. Doctors suggest that chances of recurrence reduce and continue to decline as time passes. Depending on the risk of the relapse, the treatment varies.

Potential Ways To Prevent Neuroblastoma In Children

Before you explore the way to prevent this disorder, you should probably know what is exactly causing this condition? Neuroblastoma begins with the abnormal development of fetal neuroblasts that typically occurs under the age of 1. As the infant grows, the tumor grows in tandem.

In most cases, neuroblastoma is diagnosed between the age of 1 and 2 and rare cases diagnosed in children who are 10 years and older. The most pathetic situation in the case of the neuroblasts is, some grow and develop tumor while others do not. Many types of research are going on to investigate the reason behind it but unfortunately, there is no proven evidence to justify the reason.

Some theories say that abnormal changes in the DNA result in the abnormal chromosomal structure and eventually end up with neuroblastoma. One of the primary reasons for this condition is hereditary however in other cases; it is a result of random gene changes.

How Can You Prevent Neuroblastoma?

The risk of many adult cancers can be reduced with certain daily life transformations such as maintaining a recommended weight with regular workouts and stretching exercises or not smoking, but unfortunately, there are no recommendations in the case of the children to prevent childhood cancers.

At this point of time, no drugs have been able to directly target MYCN (a Protein-Coding gene that provides instructions for making a protein, often important in the formation of tissues and organs), so scientists are looking for alternate ways to stop the advancement of this disease.

Many clinical trials were conducted and in the present scenario, it is found that the gene can be inhibited using a drug called AMXT-1501. This is used in combination of chemotherapy. The research team says that this drug could prolong the survival rate as well as prevent tumor.4

Neuroblastoma After Treatment

During the treatment for this condition, most people often worry about the daily aspects of getting through treatment and beating cancer. After treatment, apparently, their focus proceeds towards the after-care and living with the side effects. Perhaps, the major concern is all about its relapse.

Basically, after the treatment, your health care provider recommends for follow-ups that include a couple of clinical tests and scans to determine whether the disease is in control or it has spread. However, this is done depending on the risk cases. But what exactly is relapsed or recurrent neuroblastoma?1

Everything You Need To Know About Relapsed or Recurrent Neuroblastoma

Relapsed or refractory neuroblastoma develops when the condition returns or no longer react to treatment. In some cases, the neuroblastoma can return even after aggressive treatment. Time to recur is highly prognostic on total survival after relapse in children with this disease.

The treatment methodology for children with relapsed neuroblastoma is much alike to refractory neuroblastoma. These children are generally treated with one of the largest and most experienced pediatric program referred to as Dana-Farber/Boston Neuroblastoma program.2. 3


Although there are no proven ways to prevent most forms of childhood cancer yet maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you to keep the diseases under control.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 24, 2021

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